Archive of ‘personal’ category

Coming up with the perfect pen name.

Truth be told, I haven’t exactly needed to come up with a pen name because I’ve found myself using two monikers more than anything else when I’m not using my own name: (Oerba Dia) Vanille or Serah (Farron), depending on where you find me. This might surprise some people given that I’m… a bit more careful than most about what I publicly post, but I haven’t conclusively come up with a “pen name” that is uniquely mine as much as I use monikers that pay homage to favorite characters of mine from, up until this point, video games that I love. My Discord name happens to be Vanille, and that one was easier to snag because Discord assigns numbers after your name (Name#Numbers), which means that you can probably get the “name” that you want on Discord without having to work hard at it. As for my domain, I was actually surprised that this URL wasn’t registered. Both happen to be favorite characters of mine in the Final Fantasy XIII series.

At any rate, a lot of Satanists have come up with pen names for themselves because they are not in positions to where they can “out themselves” as such — they may not have supportive family members, it may be perilous for their job if that information were to become public knowledge attached to their real names, or for any number of reasons. I wish that we didn’t have to live in a world where one’s religious views, or even lack thereof, meant that we had to safeguard ourselves against others’ criticism, but we still do, even though I would like to take the time to point out the irony in Christians claiming to be persecuted because of their religious views when they are anything but in today’s world. I don’t feel like I can openly wear my necklace from The Satanic Temple in a lot of situations, or even a shirt. I don’t quite feel like I can openly wear some of my other Satanic jewelry (over my shirt, of course, since my skin allergies are that bad) because someone might recognize the lore it comes from and attempt to start something with me “in the name of Jesus”. I don’t feel like I can tell a whole lot of people what my religious views honestly are. So I definitely get the appeal of having a pen name, and have begun to give it some thought, just to have one in the back of my mind in case I ever do authentically need one. (Some people call them “Satanic names”, heh.)

I suppose something will come to me in due time, something that just sounds so right I go, “That’s the one!”

Maybe I am more than I have given myself credit for.

Ever since making that DeviantArt account I mentioned, I’ve actually been having a lot of fun with it. I’ve been having a lot more fun posting carefully cultivated and curated photographs than I thought that I was going to have, although I’ve been as careful as I can be in that I do not post photographs that blatantly give away clues to our location or have the boys’ names in them. So far, I think I’ve done well there… I’ve managed to do well on our Facebook page dedicated to gaming, although I do think I need to post more to that when I’m not under some kind of block from commenting or posting to Facebook, and I know that I’ve done well in that regard on Twitter. I seem to have more of an eye for photography than I had originally given myself credit for, even though I’ve posted so many pictures to Instagram that I should honestly have been given the world record for that years ago. I don’t think anyone is near touching how many pictures I’ve posted, will even remotely get close to me at this point, and I seriously think I am the account that has posted the most pictures. At some point I might do something to get Guinness to notice me, I don’t know.

For being a short girl with an iPhone, I don’t think a lot of my photographs are actually that bad looking.

You’d think we would have learned from history…

I don’t think we (as in humankind, as a collective whole) will be “getting back to normalcy” for awhile.

Apparently most people who have gotten infected by COVID-19 only hold immunity to it for three months on average. And since so many people as a whole, especially those who are in positions of power who are tasked to make decisions like these for those “underneath them”, are desperate “not to let the economy die” and to “get kids going back to school”, these things are being rushed to the point that people are continually being infected with the illness to the point that it still has new bodies to infect, and these lawmakers are left scratching their heads feigning ignorance as to why we are still in a pandemic, why it continues to actively infect people and why it has not just “gone away”. I still think that if we had committed to longer stay-at-home orders that we, especially the United States — who is the absolute worst at this, in my opinion as a citizen of this country — would not quite be in the position we’re in now. In spite of there having been pandemics in the past, and global ones at that, it honestly seems like no one knows how to be in a pandemic or quite manage one, although some countries are doing better than others, and some countries are doing much better than others. For the United States to do well at all, we’d have to start with another President.

And I don’t even have faith that we won’t elect this one right back into power for another four-year term.

Seriously though, why can’t people just sit at home and watch Netflix? Play video games? Wait this virus out until it no longer has live bodies to infect and then get on with our lives? That would be the more preferable alternative to what we’re doing, because what we are doing right now is clearly not making this go away…

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