Posts Tagged ‘Square’

I’m actually enjoying Parasite Eve on the Vita!

Now that I have all three of the games on our Vita having accessed the PS3 store, I’ve been playing these games because I want to be as thorough as possible exploring all parts of them, completely, 100%…

This is a lot more fun than I remember as an adolescent, although the boss battles have to do with luck.

I’ve finally loaded the Steam Deck for Bub!

I have a functioning 1TB Sandisk microSD, so in Bub’s Steam Deck it has gone!

It took me the better part of a day and a half to download all of his games to it, but I downloaded all of his games to it and I am finally done with that. I am glad to be done with that because that is the “big ticket” item that he’s going to be getting from me for his birthday, and I know that he’s just going to love it. I just need to learn to work the buttons a bit better since the way they are set up is not native to me, but I don’t think that will take me too terribly long. We’ve been playing Chrono Trigger together, and I may go back and do the quest that gets you the Crono doll because it frustrated me at the beginning of the game when I was playing it on the computer with a controller in hand. Maybe it will be easy enough on the Steam Deck that I can actually do it. Either way, I’m getting that Crono doll. We are taking Crono with us to the final fight…

How many tags is this post going to get?

So I am an alpha tester for (and user of) re-AOL, which are — is? are? what do I say here? — programmers’ attempt at bringing back America Online 3.0 as a private server for functional use. And by attempt, I mean successful attempt. Migraines are fun. I am absolutely loving the nostalgia that comes with this project, and I’m loving being able to chill with people that I haven’t seen or talked with in more than a decade. These are the people that I hung out with online for the better part of my childhood and adolescence. I look forward to the project continuing, people being able to register screen names (that will happen as the project stabilizes beyond where it is at now, even though where it is at now is absolutely commendable). And I bet that every single one of you who might be reading this knows which Guest I was in the chat at the time that I took the screenshot — hint, there was a Robo reference made, and I am a huge Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross fan.

We have a wider assortment of Steam games.

So I got Bub a whole bunch of games off of Steam, to include many of his favorites, since we have a functioning USB controller (con? joystick? well, it’s not really a joystick). Right now, we’ve been playing Final Fantasy VI. We just got to the point where Sabin separates from the party and you can choose which group of characters you want to do the quests for in whatever order you’d like. I have Fioricet on hand to be able to give myself as needed, although I do wish that I had more doses of it… I’m supposed to make ten doses two pills apiece last for thirty days — either that or twenty doses one pill apiece, but I always need two pills. Two capsules. Whatever. It’s a lot better than none, but this here is a prime example of the War on Pain Patients.

As always, I am down for the Celes Chere life, but I also do like Terra Branford, so… there’s that.

After this, I think we’ll circle back around and play Final Fantasy V… I mean, we have that now on Steam.

The 3rd Birthday

Parasite Eve was one of the greatest games of the decade, even though it was released in an era where we praised pixelated graphics and regarded them as being some of the absolute best for their time (isn’t it funny how things change over the course of several decades?). It also had one of the best ending songs I’ve ever heard, not to mention some awesome remixes. It really paid homage to the novel that inspired it, and the movie that came out afterward actually wasn’t half bad. Everything that paid homage did so in a great way.

The sequel to it that came out in 1999 was a bit dustier than the original, but when you have something that groundbreaking to live up to, you honestly can’t — or shouldn’t, for that matter — expect it to be as perfect as the title that came before it. But it was still a good game in its own right. The graphics were more polished, the storyline was still decent, and the tweaks that had been made to the battle engine still made for a compelling game that made you want to play all the way through to the end. And just like the game that came before it, the soundtrack was brilliant. The end song doesn’t quite have the punch that “Somnia Memorias” did, but “Gentle Rays” is still an extremely good song in its own right, and you can tell listening to the songs in Parasite Eve II that a lot of time and effort was put into the soundtrack. Things were still good.

Sadly, all I can say that I liked about The 3rd Birthday was the soundtrack. I played it for completion’s sake, having been an enthusiastic fan of Parasite Eve, wanting to finish the series out when I found out that a new game in the franchise was finally coming out. And when I played through it, all I felt like I was getting was fanservice, the “Parasite Eve label” slapped on a game that desperately tried to bring back old-school fans of the franchise to a game with better, newer graphics, a sharp soundtrack, and perhaps the world’s worst plot (seriously, read up on it if you haven’t already played it or spoiled it for yourself… the plot has so many holes it’s practically Swiss cheese, and it is that bad). You can listen to the soundtrack here if you’d like, as to me, that is the only redeeming quality that the game has. It became a shoot ’em up that tried way too hard to pull old-school fans in to the game, which dismayed those who liked the franchise for what it was, and the fanservice was — is, depending on whether you’ve thrown the baby out with the bathwater at this point — incredibly over the top. For Christ’s sake, the more damage Aya takes during battles, the more holes you see in her clothing, and this is done in so obvious a way that you can tell it was intentionally done. Jesus…

I don’t want any more sequels if this is literally how they are going to be handled. I don’t. Just stop them here.

(And the irony? Because the game’s supposed to be an RPG, that’s the category I put it in.)

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