Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

I’ll post pictures of this in the coming days.

Yesterday, the boys had their final visit with the developmental pediatrician before he’s set to retire in December (which is around Monster’s eighteenth birthday, and something that I’m going to get into as this post continues). The developmental pediatrician recommended that I pursue guardianship for both of the boys as they get closer to adulthood, and wanted me to start on Monster’s case a bit earlier than his eighteenth birthday because he would be willing to fill out competency forms before his retirement to make my life a lot easier. So I’m waiting to hear back from Legal Aid on whether or not they will accept that case, even though they should accept both of them as the years go on. It’s just a formality that I have to go through… both times. I might have to go through it three times, because at some point I want to change my name, although I wouldn’t mind doing it around the same time or in the midst of guardianship either time.

This is going to be a fun experience, and by that I mean not fun… especially the name change I want.

It will all be worthwhile though, and that’s what matters, even if I have to update my About pages on here.

I keep taking really great pictures of the kids.

Bub had his fourteenth well visit with the pediatrician, and I took Monster along so that he could get a referral to resume occupational and speech therapies if the clinic that I would like to have see both of them gets to his before he turns eighteen, elsewise I’m going to have to look into the availability of therapies like this for developmentally and intellectually delayed adults. Both of them did well, and in the interim I got some really great pictures of both of the kids. I am swimming in great pictures of both of the kids right now.

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