Posts Tagged ‘health’

Somehow I nearly managed to miss writing here.

The cellulitis infection that I’ve been… dealing with is almost completely gone, so there’s that.

The remnants of it that are still in my mouth do randomly hurt, which lidocaine and Orajel has been fixing.

The only downside has been the fact that I’ve been prescribed lidocaine gel for the infection that’s supposed to last me five days, but I can only call in refills that are on the prescription every ten days, like make that make sense. That means that I’ve gone five days without having lidocaine, mostly relying on the Orajel that I have. I’m still not quite sure why that is, although even getting my insurance to approve lidocaine gel was a Herculean task given their recent refusals to approve anything related to lidocaine at all. So there is that…

We’re on day… what of this? I’ve lost count.

I’ve been prescribed sufficient pain medication to get me through the healing process of… whatever happened to my mouth, as well as an antibiotic and anti-fungal to take along with those to get rid of the fact that it was badly infected. I feel like slow but steady progress is being made, although I want to have it checked out by the local wound care clinic if it doesn’t manage to heal before then, depending on when they can get me in to be seen. The referral has already been made by my primary care physician, I have five refills on the prescription of oral lidocaine that I was prescribed, and I have enough Tramadol to get me through what should be the worst of this. Or so I’m hoping, at any rate. If this takes an unusually long time to heal for me, I’ll make another appointment with my primary care physician to discuss another course of Tramadol… he knows that whenever I actually mention being in pain, it’s bad, and has no problem prescribing me pain medication like this for as long as it’s necessary by whatever may deem it necessary. I just love the man.

On top of that, he has an emergency number that lets patients contact him after hours, and he answers it!

The only bad thing about his practice is that it’s nearly impossible to get through during the actual day.

I just hate it when things like this… well, happen.

After accidentally biting my lip during a meal (since when does that not happen with me?), of all the times for it to do so the wound literally cracked and became infected with what I can only imagine is otherwise ubiquitous bacteria in my mouth. Two of three doctor’s visits out of the way getting and keeping my care team involved with this, I’ve been put on antibiotics that are surprisingly not making me as nauseated as I thought they would, and I’ve been issued some pain medication to take to ride out the worst part of this healing. Although the infection certainly seems to be responding to the antibiotics, the pain is absolutely something else… even breakthrough pain, like when I rouse from a nap or sleep. Ihe liquid lidocaine that I’m supposed to swish in my mouth as needed has been an absolute godsend. I didn’t expect it to work so well.

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