Posts Tagged ‘Supernatural’

And in case anyone is still wondering, heh…

It is a bitch to change the television over from gaming to actual television because of how many peripherals are connected to it. That said, it is not something that I like doing, so I only do it when it is… necessary….

And the last time it was necessary was when I watched the most recent episode of Doctor Who.

That should tell you all some of the things I haven’t watched or didn’t watch. Surprisingly, Supernatural fans that were supposed to be “on my side” began to block me on Twitter because I made the decision not to watch The Winchesters until at least the end of the first season with the explanation as to why so much of what we knew about John and Mary was retconned. That said, the more I think about it — even though I like the cast, especially Jojo — the more I don’t think I’m going to watch it at all unless something drastically changes in subsequent seasons. I knew from the start that it was going to be explained by way of alternate universe (bingo) or memory wipe, and being able to guess exactly how it was going to fit into the established Supernatural world in a way that wasn’t comfortable to me didn’t sit well with me. John and Mary’s stories continue to be things that I am not exceedingly interested in, even changed as they are in The Winchesters. I would have loved to see Wayward Sisters come to screen, but that’s neither here nor there.

If you’re expecting me to watch The Winchesters at some point, it is almost assured not to happen. I’m sorry.

There’s also the fact that I am completely neutral about whether or not it does renew for subsequent seasons. I’m not an avid television show watcher. I’ve probably only liked five or six shows my entire life.

In case anyone out there might be wondering…

I haven’t done a thorough rewatch of Supernatural since the show ended, and I’m not sure that I’m going to for at least a little awhile. It’s just not something that is high on my list of media-consuming priorities right now, sparse as those continue to be (I’m continuing to make my way through The Boys, and I want to watch the David Shaw documentary, the movie made about the Nutty Putty tragedy, and rewatch 65_RedRoses at some point… I will make time, and find the spoons, for that last one). Some of the people that I know on Twitter are already through several rewatches of it, and that’s actually pretty impressive given how many episodes Supernatural has. Hats off. Although I do make time to rewatch some of the things that I like a lot, it tends to take me a long time to do so, and even still — this doesn’t make Supernatural special in a good way, nor does it make it special in a bad way. As the saying goes, I’ll get around to it when I get around to it.

People that met me because of a mutually shared interest in Supernatural might be surprised to find out that I am just not that much of a movie or television show buff. I never have been… and I probably never will be.

Obviously I have not watched The Winchesters yet, as I continue to have mixed opinions on that (and am not the sort of person who has intense brand loyalty to a movie or television show franchise, even if I liked the mothership). For instance, I liked The Vampire Diaries but have not gotten around to The Originals yet (Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries were probably the only two recent television shows that The CW made that I liked… see the above statement made on me and just not being a movie or television show buff). As I’ve stated a few times now, I felt like John and Mary’s stories were told well enough on Supernatural, and neither of them happened to be two of my favorite characters. I also had concerns with how The Winchesters‘ deviations from canon would still manage to fit into Supernatural‘s world and wanted to reserve final judgment on that until at least the end of the first season, where everything about that was supposed to be revealed in a satisfactory manner. To be honest, I still have mixed opinions on that, and I’m going to continue to wait to watch it even though I like what I have seen and heard so far about the cast…

I’ve continued to wish everyone well who has tuned in, though, and who will continue to tune in if renewed.

I’m glad they’re back to the same old antics again.

Apparently if you Retweet a video that an actor in the Supernatural franchise has posted because you like the video, this sets off an entire chain of events whereby members of the fandom decide what “side” you’re on (do you “support” this person? are you “against?” this person?) and begin chainblocking you — as though they had never stopped in the first place — over this one thing. The seriousness to which these people take fandom, and some people take Retweeting (do you even capitalize that? someone let me know) or sharing a video that you like is more than absurd at this point. If it gets to the point — and it has gotten to the point — where I have to explain this to friends of mine that I grew up with, and they find it as awkward and weird as I am presently finding it, you’ve got a problem. We’ve got a problem. There is a problem. This is the problem.

I’d consider making a tag and naming it “fandom drama”, but I want to starve the beast, not feed it.

I didn’t quite think I would come back to this, but…

Fandom has given me yet another reason not to want to actively participate in it, as though I needed more.

Through the friends that I continue to have in the Supernatural fandom, I’ve learned about a girl named Amber who is convinced that Misha Collins (actor who plays Castiel from seasons four through fifteen) is her “twin flame”, which amounts to true love… or something like that. Having met him once at a convention, she’s proud of the fact that she has since Tweeted him more than five thousand times — I’m sure he’s muted her at this point, or someone that handles him or his social media has. I know that would drive me out of my mind if I were him. She’s also sent him… perverse and sexually graphic Tweets over the course of these last six months alone, and her Tweets have taken on a definite stalkerish tone that has made everyone who has read them uncomfortable. All major conventions know about her and she is not allowed to attend them. Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard — Clif — knows about her in case she does manage to show up to something. Misha’s handlers and security know about her. Misha himself knows about her. This is the point to which it has gotten. But the worst thing of all? She’s lost custody of her three children over the severe, untreated mental illness that she is exhibiting with all of this, and she doesn’t seem to care one bit that she’s done so.

Most recently, she destroyed her phone in a fit of rage after Misha posted video footage to his social media accounts of him hanging out with fans after the premiere of the newest show he’s on, Gotham Knights. She may also have harmed herself in the process. These are in no way actions that a rational, sane individual would take, and although I want her to get help for herself so that she can be back to herself and regain custody of her children (if that is even a possibility at this point), I don’t know if that’s something that is even possible at this point because she is so far gone and seems so resolutely unwilling to seek actual help…

People like her exist on the periphery of some fandoms, and they make me not want to participate in them.

They make me not want to show up to conventions or other gatherings to celebrate things that we all like.

I seriously need to come up with subject lines.

So I’ve decided to dye my hair blue. I’ve been wanting to for a really long time, and I finally decided to do it.

I also reinstalled Duolingo on my phone and am going to attempt to get as far as I can — as far as my brain will let me — in French. I took two years of Spanish in high school and didn’t retain it afterward, although living where I do I know enough to introduce myself and ask for basic needs. Truth be told, I didn’t actually retain a lot of what I learned in secondary school aside from the absolute basics (even though I taught myself a lot of things as well, being precocious). That’s one of many reasons that I’ve chosen to homeschool my children. The district that we currently live in leaves a lot to be desired, and they’re actually taken to court quite frequently for not following the IEPs — Individualized Education Program, which is legally binding — and they lose a lot of times in court. But there are other problems with this school district, and public education as well. They only stack on top of each other and get worse, so this is our way of avoiding it.

In about a year or so, I expect my graduating class to plan and have a twenty-year reunion (and wow, does typing that out make me feel old). I didn’t attend the ten-year one and I have absolutely no desire to attend this one or subsequent ones. I hope they save themselves some trouble and just… don’t invite me at all, heh.

And let me tell you, when I was watching Supernatural I never really listened to the end music. My bad.

Music Monday: March 13th, 2023

I don’t know if I ever included this in Music Monday, but now seems about as apt a time as ever. It seems like some of the writings that I’ve done on Supernatural continue to get hits on this blog, which I have mixed feelings about — I am not, and do not consider, myself a part of the fandom (or any fandom for that matter), as I would much rather my interest in things that are not games be superficial. I’m… just not a television person (or “screen person” in that manner). I mean, I’m only somewhere in the middle of episode two on The Boys, and that sort of thing is right up my alley. I intend on watching, and finishing, it at some point, but…

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