I see that we are on two days of regretting this.

The good news is that the back pain that I had for… whatever reason has more or less gone away, for which I’m thankful. I will probably still have that looked at and ask about it when I see my local pain management clinic for my migraines, and I have a standard appointment for that coming up. I see no reason why not to…

What we’re currently dealing with is reactive airways from deep cleaning half of the house, which I do approximately every four months. I think I’m going to bite the bullet on this one and have someone else do it, because my lungs can not handle even the tamest of cleaning products. I have been coughing virulently for two days now, this being the second, and although my cough is better than it was the day before this isn’t something that I accidentally want to walk into again, even though I was wearing a N95 mask to do this, which I always do when cleaning anything. Even though the medication that I take for heart problems has cured almost all of my asthma, sometimes I forget that I actually do still have it to some degree and that my airways can become really reactive when exposed to the wrong thing, even when other people are able to be exposed to it just fine. I think that’s the kicker. I’ve been taking the benzonatate that I’ve been prescribed by my pulmonologist to stop most of the coughing, which has surprisingly worked really well, and started taking Benadryl because my face began to swell yesterday and I swear that I have never had that happen.

At one point, when it was so bad that I could not sleep, I coated my throat in the lidocaine gel that I had been prescribed for the mouth injury that I had awhile back, which you can do (the label even instructs you on how to do it if you need to). That really helped as well, and I think I’m just going to keep doing that from time to time until this subsides or I bite the bullet again and have to see a doctor over this. Everyone else in this house is predictably fine. It’s just me that’s usually sitting here, sometimes laying down, coughing and…

I cleaned the house and was allergic to the cleaner.

I know how to clean, and I deep clean the house ever few months in addition to cleaning the house.

Today I found out that I am allergic to something in the cleaner that I used today.

I guess it’s going to be fun hunting the source of that down, although I am not opposed to delegating cleaning like this to someone else and paying them for it if necessary. I’ll get into all of the symptoms and side effects of this tomorrow, perhaps when I feel a little bit better. I suppose we’ll have to see on that.

Happy Halloween to everyone who reads this!

Under normal circumstances you’d get a bit more, but I woke up with the nerve in my lower back pinched and I don’t think I have ever had that happen before, let alone so badly that I would rather be in labor again. I’ll probably have it checked out in the upcoming days unless this is a one and done. This really hurts though.

I hate this whole police protection thing, I do.

I mean, I don’t hate the fact that I have it and that police are now more proactively cruising this area because of the threats my stalker made. I can expect to be protected long enough for my stalker to do one of two things: follow through on the threats he made against me in a tangible way, or realize that me actually having police protection is supposed to deter him from following through on the threats he made against me.

Their service is something that I’m thankful for, but this entire situation has me on absolute edge.

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