January 2022 archive

I can’t believe that I have never mentioned this here.

One of the most hilarious things that I like to recount to people is the fact that as high school progressed, I made myself into such a Mean Girl that people actually compared me to Regina George from it for years. On the outside, at high school, I was conceited and preppy. I was popular and sociable. I had learned how to work the system at my high school to my success while managing to have a completely separate personality outside of it, being a gamer and a geek when I wasn’t actually in school — I didn’t want the people that I went to school with to know about, or have anything to do with, that side of me, and I was more than content to continue working the system exactly as I’d just previously described. Looking back on things, they were hilarious by the time that I’d given birth to my oldest son… I had cut everyone from my graduating class out of my life, and in a few years I would manage to cut all but one person that attended my high school out of my life as well simply because I did not want to continue to have to put that charade up. I made it clear that I did not want to attend, or even be invited to, any class reunions or anything related to the time I spent in high school. That would go on to be honored, which made me happy even though I’m still technically searchable on sites like Facebook… but I mean, there is a block list that I can use if needed, which is great.

However, I still suppose that I have some of that Mean Girl inside of me. It’s like the whole “two wolves” allegory or analogy or whatever… there’s a part of me that loves clothes, pink, and can be or come off as brash and conceited, and then there’s a geekier part of me. I’m not entirely a nice person, and I own up to that. I’d say that I’m mostly nice (and some people might say that I’m completely nice until, or unless, they see that part of me), but I know that I’m not actually completely nice. And I am completely okay with that.

Tomorrow it’s Dean Winchester’s birthday.

I may no longer consider myself an active member of fandoms or actively participate in them (and wow, was that ever a sentence), but I still like Supernatural. I don’t think I’ll be tuning into the prequel or the planned podcast, though. Carry on my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done… I got off of the ride.

Here we’ve got Omicron, screwing up more shit.

Since more and more hospitals are going back to doing only necessary surgery, the work-up for severe diastasis recti that I was undergoing seems to have to be shelved. Since I don’t intend on having any more children, it wouldn’t have been a significant bother for me to undergo surgery to correct it, and I could lower my dose of prednisone if needed such that it would be as safe as it was ever going to be — assuming, of course, that I ever took it again, which I don’t want to because my body has finally gotten to the point where it can no longer manage oral steroids without sometimes significant problem. I mean, if they do it at any point during this pandemic, they do it. I’d ideally like it to be done as soon as possible so that I can get it done and heal from it, but if it’s not safe to do because COVID-19 cases are once again climbing and we have a mutation out there that more people are susceptible to… then I’ll wait. Even though I won’t like it…

And the saddest thing of all is that this could have been picked up on years earlier than it was even noticed.

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