Posts Tagged ‘streaming’

My Internet is working better… I mean, I hope.

We had severe storming the night before last, which resulted in damage that our ISP had to fix (not actual damage to our modem, router, or lines… other damage, and I don’t claim to be an expert on any of these things). Because of that, I dropped a lot of frames when I attempted to stream Chrono Trigger as planned last night, but things are looking better now than they were! I think I’m going to stream Chrono Trigger tonight to make up for it instead of Alice: Madness Returns like I had been planning, but sometimes concessions just have to be made. Meanwhile I have some completely awesome friends who are attempting to bring some retro programs that a lot of us used in the nineties and early millenia, and I think they’re going to be successful at it — I’ll write more about it here as time goes on, but I’m an alpha tester for one, and I’ve mainly delegated myself to quality of life issues and things like “well, how much can I click on to see if any errors come up that I can report?”. Or… however else you would word “come up”, because migraines are fun.

When I can talk about one of (okay, probably the primary) the passion projects that is going on right now that some programmers — and some of my friends, to include the overlap that are some of my friends who are also programmers, “there ain’t no gettin’ off of this train ride we’re on” — I may post screenshots, but only with permission. This is amazing. This is great. This is definitely extremely nostalgic. I just love this.

So I’ve tentatively been streaming wirelessly!

I’ve been streaming wirelessly on Twitch, and I’m gearing up to become an affiliate once I meet all of the criteria. When that will be, though, I’m not quite sure — I just have to meet the requirement of average concurrent views (I have no problem nailing the rest of them), and mine are all over the place. I have been meeting some awesome people through networking my Twitch account though, and that has been awesome! At some point I do intend on having the gaming PC hardwired into the modem so we don’t have to worry about dropped frames or anything like that, and I’ve been looking into what I’ll need to have here at the house to make that happen. I was also given the recommendation to post about Twitch on TikTok (10/4, can do) because Twitch makes it hard for people to discover people that they would like to watch on Twitch. Most, if not all, of people’s discoverability comes from outside sources, and I’ve been posting about my streams on Facebook and Twitter. I do honestly wish that Twitch had better native, on-board discoverability.

I’m still attempting to troubleshoot Twitch here.

For some reason, I continue to have dropped frames and slow frames when attempting to stream on the desktop with Twitch Studio. (Thanks, Manchin… my tax refund literally funded this because we didn’t have a desktop.) I’m going to remedy this in the coming months with a desktop that is, at the very least, marginally better than the desktop that I’ve been attempting to stream on, because if it can not consistently or reliably stream, there’s probably other things that it can’t do as well. This perplexes me because this desktop is seriously only one year old, was advertised as gaming friendly, and has consistently begun to fall short of the things that I would like it to do. If it has significant trouble streaming, we are bound to run into other things that it can’t do as well, and I’m just now finding out that some of the games that I’ve gotten for free off of Epic Games (or downloaded from Origin or Steam) are going to have difficulty playing because of the graphics card in it — namely the type, as the drivers tell me that it’s an Intel… something something… 530.

Yeah, this is going to be fun. I shouldn’t be tremendously surprised by the outcome of this though.

Two problems down, now how many left to go…

Okay, so I have the microphone set up in a really good position, and I’ve confirmed that it is picking up sounds at the volume that I want it to. The webcam is also in an optimal position on the desktop, being the one that I can move around a bit as needed. It picks up the images that I want it to pick up. They look crisp.

The only thing that I think I need to do is to make sure that frames aren’t dropped — or slow — although my current Internet speed indicates that I shouldn’t have to worry about that (29.1 Mbps download, 11.4 Mbps upload). I’ve been using Twitch Studio for the streams that I’ve done so far, although I am open to switching to a new program as long as it has the same ease of use and lets me install the overlays that I’ve been using.

Now all I think I have to do is fix the alerts (or wait for Twitch to fix them in Twitch Studio) and I’ll be good for awhile! This, of course, supposes that I decide to stay with Twitch Studio for the long haul. It is easy to work.

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