Posts Tagged ‘streaming’

I intend on getting back to streaming soon!

My gaming computer (or, as I like to call it, our gaming computer) is hardwired, as I’ve mentioned!

Download speeds are almost phenomenal at this point, especially when they are compared to previous speeds, and upload speeds are so much more stable. I’m looking forward to resuming streaming soon, although I need to figure out whether or not I want to restart games to have more streaming hours with them streaming them from the beginning or… not. I know that was a mouthful. And I do know that I want to add some games to the assortment of games that I’m already streaming, one of which being Cuphead complete with DLC. Not only do I like it — it may be extremely difficult, but it’s adorable, so I put up with it in spite of that — but one of my friends who tries as hard as he can to watch my streams in spite of being in a different time zone (Freeza, -2 hours from me) likes it, so I figured… why not? If repeated deaths annoy me too much I can always take a break from it and play other games until I’m ready to pick it back up, whenever that date may be. I don’t need to burn myself out on something I like that I want to make into something…

I am finally hardwired right into the modem!

Once I figure out whether or not I want to restart some of these games and resume streaming, that looks to be what I’m going to do. Progress in the actual game versus more streaming hours… let’s see, let’s see.

In the interim…

Another re-AOL post, because we’ve definitely made some progress as a project whole!

One of the developers was able to code Neverwinter Nights back onto AOL, or onto the re-AOL experience (I’m trying to word this so that people who don’t know a lot about programming will still understand what I mean)! This used to be an AOL-exclusive MMO that existed when a lot of us were probably children, so was brought back purely for nostalgia’s sake… and because so many of us liked it while we were growing up.

That same developer is also continuing to work on bringing us Slingo and Splatterball as well! Eee!

None of this should surprise me at this point.

For some reason, I’ve been lagging for the better part of the day. Some of that could be due to the fact that the kids have been using their devices — namely watching videos on them, which doesn’t surprise me at all given that it’s the middle of the summer right now and isn’t something that bothers me one bit — but it could also be due to the fact that it’s been raining here off and on for the better part of the afternoon, and… our ISP has never really been the best to begin with even though it’s the only one in this area that offers unlimited bandwidth. However, one of the great things is that I should be looking at having our gaming PC hardwired in the coming days! I have everything that I need to actually do the hardwiring, so all that’s left is to actually hardwire it into the modem and then we should be able to enjoy low to no latency and minimal to no packet drops while gaming and streaming. Everything else is set up to where gaming and streaming should not at all be a hassle going forward, for which I’m thankful because I do not need nor do I want to give myself unnecessary migraines. I’ve already gotten most of the major work out of the way over several months…

And in a move that should surprise absolutely no one, I got a Facebook post block again that I can’t appeal.

Dudes who parasocialize are just creepy.

Although this seems to… come with being a girl gamer, it doesn’t mean that I have to put up with it.

No one said that I had to like it.

I’ve had at least one person admit to saving pictures of me (that I’ve publicly posted on social media, but this sort of behavior is highly inappropriate to begin with, especially if you’re a man doing any of this to a woman) on their computer, hate-watching my streams and taking screenshots of me while I’m live, making fun of my children and me for being disabled, and — along with a friend of his — actually telling me that I should end my own life and murder my children. These are not the kind of people that I want to be interested in me in any capacity because this behavior practically screams stalkerish incel, is cruel and unnecessary, and is usually the precursor to other, worse behaviors that tend to at least attract the attention of law enforcement. I screenshot some of his Tweets and posted them on Twitter, especially if he ever actually follows through on anything that breaks or would break the law, or — the worst of all, God forbid — actually attempts to do something to me in person, or succeeds. This is the kind of world that we are living in, folks…

There are reasons that I am uncomfortable with meeting a lot of people from the Internet, and this practically screams all of them. I wouldn’t mind going to a few conventions or meet-ups that I already know are, or would be, safe, but I still have difficulties wrapping my mind around meeting someone that isn’t from this area who’s from the Internet in person. Once I find a more subtle way to post about it to avoid it being searchable, I might post about the one long-distance relationship that I at least tried to be in, finding out that his family was hiding critically important things from me and… other people in general, and had to be the one to report them to various authorities. They seriously wanted me to keep these things “secret” for them.

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