Posts Tagged ‘life’

Since I have not formally amended the list…

Neurological medications:
Lisinopril, 5mg once daily
Olanzapine, 10mg once daily if needed
Promethazine, 25mg once daily if needed
Rosuvastatin, 10mg once daily
Trokendi, 200mg once nightly
Zomig dissolvable melt, 5mg up to three times per week

Respiratory medications:
Albuterol, one vial nebulized up to every four hours as needed
Albuterol, two puffs inhaled up to every four hours as needed
Claritin, standard dose
Singulair, standard dose
Symbicort, two inhalations twice daily

Other medications:
Depo-Provera, taken every ninety days

I went ahead and removed prednisone from this, although I take it if absolutely needed. I’m not “on it” due to the pandemic, because if I am exposed to COVID-19 we want me to be able to fight this off to the best of my ability and it is a potent immunosuppressant (that does have purpose). I also alphabetized the list since Symbicort was above Singulair for some peculiar reason, and albuterol wasn’t alphabetized properly… heh.

Expecting people to “act less disabled” in spaces.

This is the closest that I have come thus far in this entire blog, aside from writing about… various experiences that I have had with attempted religious indoctrination as they relate to Bub’s father’s family, in writing about specific experiences with people, but I felt like they had to be addressed in the way of disability advocacy: the expectation that non-disabled, or sometimes even other disabled, people have in expecting disabled individuals to “tone down the disabled parts of themselves” in general, to “act less disabled” in mixed spaces, and not to talk about the parts of their lives that have to do with their disabilities, even if being disabled “takes up a large part of their lives” and they are proud of being disabled. Like I’ve said, this seems to be something that society does in general, whether it is being done by non-disabled members of society or even disabled members of society who do not feel that they are “as disabled”, who have better passing privilege (the ability to be seen as non-disabled by society if and when they want to be, or simply to “turn off” being seen as disabled to their advantage), or who are not as proud of being disabled as the disabled person in question. I’ve noticed that this intersection can also sometimes occur when the disabled person in question is a member of the disability advocacy community, or “disabled community”, in general.

I do not like having to “tone down the disabled parts of myself”, as I feel that being disabled is an important and integral part of myself. I can not be myself without being disabled, and I should not have to expect to “be the non-disabled part of myself”, because that is a large part of my identity. If I were not disabled, I would not be the person that I am. If me being who I am makes you uncomfortable, that is something that you need to reconcile with yourself. That should not be something that I need to “tone down” in myself to make you more comfortable with me. I should not be expected to “act less disabled” in mixed spaces because there are non-disabled individuals present, because what sort of standard does that set in the era that claims to be all about social justice? Not a very good one, I’m afraid. Disability is not, and should not be, something that you can “turn on and off” to make other people’s lives easier. If that is something that I feel I have to do to make a group of people’s lives easier, maybe I need to consider how much time I spend around that group of people. Me being disabled is simply me being myself. If someone can’t tolerate that or doesn’t like that, then they need to tell me that they can’t tolerate me and that they don’t like me. It’s just that simple.

I caved and bought us a new PC controller, folks.

Knowing my luck, I’ll find the “old one” within a week of having made this purchase, you all just watch.

I am going to keep this one where I keep our headphone and mic set, that way I know for a fact that it’s not going to grow legs and walk away the same way the other one did… although I had kept that one in the same place for years, and even checked the infamous “mess drawer” in my room (which was halfway organized, to my own credit) thinking that I might have put it in there to conceal it from Bub’s curious hands. Knowing that this could… walk off again if it walked off for the same reason that the first one did, I didn’t want to splurge too much on the second one though. I just wanted something that would allow us to play games on the computer. I mean, we have a lot of Nintendo games, Sega Genesis games, and Super Nintendo games that are boxed up that we can legally play emulated versions of because we own them, and I can introduce them to Bub that way. It would just help to own a controller to play them with, though.

And some of these are games that you can’t play elsewhere, such as Kickle Cubicle (NES) and Marvel Land (Sega Genesis), which were two of my absolute favorite games growing up as a child. I loved those games. If there were any other way for me to introduce them to Bub, such as digitally buying them on some of the newer consoles if they were available there, I would already have done so, but there isn’t. Well, not stateside.

Surprisingly, Bub does not mind playing older games with me.

He’s even played some old Castlevania games with me, to include the very first one that was ever made!

Once upon a time, I made exceptions for men.

Remember that post where I said that I could write a post on making exceptions for men within the context of polyamorous relationships, dating monogamous men who were willing to “make exceptions for me”?

That post is here, and that time is now. I didn’t forget to make that post. I was always going to.

From the time that I began outing myself as polyamorous (or, initially, non-monogamous) all the way to my refusal to date monogamous men, there were times when I dated monogamous men who were willing to “make exceptions for me” within the context of a relationship where they were clearly monogamous and not willing to date or be in relationships with anyone else other than me, but were — or at least made it seem, because it never looked like it was any different from my point of view — perfectly alright with me dating and being in relationships with other men (although, for the record, my “comfortable limit” of relationships has always been two, although I would not be opposed to three if I were in two and the right person came along… I like to remind confused monogamous people that they tend to have more than two close friends).

At first, I was fine with this as long as the monogamous partner that I was with was fine with this.

However, as time went on, I became increasingly less fine with this, because I felt like the dynamic of each relationship where this happened was tilted toward me in a peculiar way, even though the monogamous man stated — and sometimes insisted — that they were fine with this. A lot of the time, I felt like they were making this exception because it was me who they were dating, not because they would normally make this exception or consider this carte blanche. Even though I would never refuse to give someone permission to date other people or be in relationships with other people if I wanted that same permission myself and so always extended that permission, making it clear, the men who “made these exceptions for me” obviously never took me up on that offer, and they insisted that they wouldn’t because they “were willing to be monogamous for me”. It just eventually got to the point that I decided not to date monogamous men any longer, men who were more comfortable being monogamous, or men who “were willing to be monogamous for the right person” (hello, Kat Blaque) because I didn’t want to have to deal with the unevenly skewed dynamic that would always be there in the relationship even though they insisted “that things were alright”.

I started refusing to date monogamous men eight years or so ago and am still glad that I have done so.

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