Posts Tagged ‘disability’

I’m not even going to bother taking a picture.

Arthur appears to have a fairly minor injury, but one that I’m continuing to keep watch on in case he does need to be seen by the vet. When it comes to birds, watchful waiting is what’s best almost all of the time because a lot of injuries can look worse than they actually are. His behavior hasn’t changed, and he’s continuing to eat and drink like he always has, so I’ve just been observing his behavior and dietary habits.

Meanwhile, we are back to the Fioricet I am prescribed for migraines… not working, so I really want to request that something else that I can take is prescribed in place of it. I can’t take triptans, and I’m not supposed to take triptans, because of the risk of cardiac side effects. NSAIDs have provoked my asthma for god only knows how long. I’m not sure what I can take in place of Fioricet or if I should just suck it up and… continue taking it, but I guess we’ll be seeing next month when I check in with my pain management clinic.

Okay, some of this might not be quite so surprising.

Okay, first things first. For those who don’t already know, I submitted my raw DNA to Genomelink because I’ve heard a lot of good things about its accuracy… and it revealed that I have a bit of Ashkenazi Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, which wasn’t surprising. I have trace Sephardic DNA on my dad’s mom’s side as well, and it seems like many of them converted to Mormonism when they migrated to the United States. Through the Ancestry tree that a friend of mine was kind enough to make for me on his paid account so that I could explore… holes, I was able to find where the Jewish DNA came from, as it was my last great-grandmother (from that generation upward) who came to the United States as Hitler and his men were ascending to power. She married a man in Indiana, had a child, and died when that child was only four years old. Given my own health problems, that doesn’t surprise me… but I was, and am, uncomfortable finding that out. The daughter-in-law that she never got a chance to meet also died at thirty-nine years of age, which made those matters a bit worse. I’m really starting to see where in the family tree I inherited my health problems.

I am still waiting for a referral to a cardiologist to be processed by my primary care physician and my insurance. In the interim, I am still on The Medication From Hell, which is surprisingly… not quite so much from Hell, although it does cause me to randomly cough. I haven’t had a single “asthma attack” since starting it, though. So things are exactly how I had initially thought they were, back when I had to fight to get that referral even though I have family history of early-onset, severe heart disease (or problems, heh).

This is about as annoying as I would expect…

We are now beginning to hit our stride in Texas where the air conditioner is not constantly running.

Since I am finally on medication to address heart problems, depending on exactly when I take it I may be running hot or cold depending on what the weather is. (And it’s always extremely annoying. Always.)

But there is no in-between.

But there is never any in-between.

It’s been three months since I was supposed to get a referral processed for cardiology, but since my primary care physician’s front desk is only staffed with three people that… isn’t happening. Or it hasn’t been happening, I guess I should say. All I can do is politely call to ask about it, to inquire about the status of it and maybe bump it to the top of the list. I also have to call for refills on my heart medication since my doctor never puts any on them. I think it has more to do with him being scatterbrained than it would be him wanting me to call his office every month to ask for refills on a medication that you’re not really supposed to stop cold turkey. (And, worst of all, getting a new PCP would mess up all of the specialist referrals I have.)

Remember the whole heart problems thing again?

I put in a refill request for the medication that my primary care physician put me on late last week, it’s… this week now, I have none of it left and am resuming being symptomatic. In spite of that, I’ve still managed to hear a whole lot of nothing back from my doctor’s office. I’ll be contacting them over this next week unless things necessitate sooner care than that again. I would have thought that, at the very least, a refill or two would have been put on this medication… but no. No, it wasn’t. I was given a thirty-day supply of a medication that made me cough uncontrollably and to the point of vocal dysfunction for the first half of that, and by the time it actually began to help, I had none left and my doctor hadn’t responded to the refill request.

This song and dance is going to be fun (and what I mean by that is not fun) if I have to keep repeating it.

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