Archive of ‘television shows’ category

I’ve never mentioned this in here, so here goes…

Almost all fandoms have their “dark ships”, which are characters paired together in a romantic context that… aren’t really spoken about. Fans of these ships relegate themselves to the various corners of the Internet where they can more freely talk about them with like-minded fans, but they’re not something that is brazenly waved around like a flag. You don’t trip and fall into them. It takes sometimes significant effort to find them.

However… in the Supernatural fandom, people actually ship Sam and Dean Winchester — brothers — and they are brazen about it. This represents a significant difference in how dark ships are normally treated. People put it in their biographies on Twitter (calling it w*ncest, and for personal reasons I refuse to write that any other way), in some other social media biographies or about pages as well, and they are proud of it.

Without getting into the genetic and moral implications of that (“ship and let ship”, even if you grit your teeth doing it), a lot of the respect that Hellers — people who ship Castiel and Dean Winchester — attempt to give w*ncest shippers is completely lost on them. It’s flouted. Sometimes it’s shoved in people’s faces. Hellers are sometimes repeatedly, loudly told that they are “shipping necrophilia” because Castiel originally, consensually inhabits the vessel of Jimmy Novak before Lucifer makes his vessel explode and Chuck just plain resurrects him as that vessel. (But what about Dean, who Castiel literally raised from the dead at the start of season four? This is almost never brought up in the context of shipping Dean with… well, anyone else.) We’re also sometimes repeatedly, loudly reminded that there is a significant age gap between Dean and Castiel — suspending some belief here, because this is a supernatural television show that we’re talking about, Castiel is an angel who has been around since nearly the dawn of time, that is to be expected, and both of them are adults. I always failed to understand that attack on the Heller ship, though, to be honest…

One of the things that I also dislike about dealing with those who ship w*ncest are their proclivities to drag people’s personal lives into it. During a debate, I mentioned that I had sent my autistic son (Bub) to his room because he was beginning to melt down. This is literally part of his care plan. I was accused of “sending my child away so (that) I could talk on Twitter”, which was literally the furthest thing from the truth. Not too long ago, because I was not physically able to distance myself from him in time, he bit the top of my right breast so hard that he took out a small chunk of skin and it began to bleed through my shirt. Within forty-eight hours, it turned into severe cellulitis because I am immunocompromised, which prompted a visit to urgent care to eventually find out that my bite wound had been infected with MRSA. Yes, human bites can do that.

Given the… injury as it was, the doctor that treated me at urgent care was surprised that I didn’t pass out.

I’ve been working with Bub’s occupational therapist on ethical restraints to prevent injury during meltdowns.

But seriously, I do the things I do — especially with my children — for reasons, instructed by their care teams.

On another “but seriously”, though, if you want us to respect your ship… please actually respect our ship.

I will admit that this actually surprised me a bit.

This might have had something to do with an AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) that Jared Padalecki had not too long ago where, when given the opportunity, I asked him if he would ever consider apologizing to Robbie for his now-infamous “et tu, brute” Tweet, and I asked him if he would ever reconsider having the public temper tantrums that he’s become known for having on Twitter since… about 2015, I want to say. Stands puts up with so much shit from other people that I find it bizarre and perplexing that my questions during his completely valid AMA would have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, but I digress. They tend to work with a lot of Supernatural actors selling products, and I don’t think I’m going to be buying any more products for them or giving them any more patronage. Shame, though, because what I wanted to ask them is if they were going to resume selling the Impala purse (“clutch bag”) at any point in the future, but whatever. If you don’t want my money, you don’t want my money. You’re making that clear all on your own.

Supernatural fandom drama is still alive and well.

To clarify in advance, Hellers are Supernatural fans who ship Castiel and Dean Winchester.

· friend begins making videos chronicling “Heller events”, as someone succinctly put it (Supernatural drama)
· when first video is complete, friend posts link to it in various places — it is also public on YouTube
· someone comments on Tumblr about how friend stole someone else’s written rendition of Heller news
· this person deletes those messages and their Tumblr account right after doing so, even though it was seen
· the person who had been doing a decidedly different, daily written rendition of Heller news sends a Tweet to my friend that is very similarly worded (and has since been deleted) about how people shouldn’t steal other people’s ideas, coming out of left field because the two news deliveries are extremely different
· a simple search on Twitter (of people mentioning this account name) reveals that this person, the writer of the written Heller news, had used the Twitter account name that was literally the Tumblr that made the initial comment in notes about how friend allegedly stole his idea, tying the initial Tumblr comment made to my friend to the Tweet that was sent to him… and yes, getting knee-deep in this is giving me a headache
· friend points this out and by merely doing so, this starts a cascade of drama that is not friend’s fault
· I repeatedly extend the offer that this can be discussed on friend’s Discord server since I am an admin there and can keep the conversation civil, but this person (the writer of the daily, written Heller news) refuses
· people think that friend bullied the person that writes the written Heller news when this is not the case

As much as I enjoyed reading the daily, written version of Heller news (and can see from a mile away that my friend’s rendition of the news by way of YouTube video couldn’t be any more different from the written version, both in terms of delivery style and overall content), those who insist on “sticking up” for this person — not my friend, I’m trying not to name names here in my blog — have made me feel as though I have to “pick a side” in all of this. If I had to pick a side though, it would be pretty obvious which side I would pick.

Y’all, I am here for the critique, fan works and meta… I swear, I did not come here for the drama.

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