Archive of ‘computer gaming’ category

I am fixing a problem Windows Updates caused.

It will remain to be seen how long it actually takes until this problem is fixed (as everything went to Hell in a hand basket, as they say, after I did the update)… but there is my laptop which continues to function well, which has not been updated and which will not be updated in the foreseeable future until this is a problem that has been confirmed to have been fixed, and I am fastidious about backing up absolutely everything of essence that needs to be backed up. So while I’m rolling back that Windows update on the desktop, glad that I caught this when my kid was blissfully sleeping, I am checking my mail and updating things on my laptop because it continues to work just fine. So we’ll just have to see how that goes. It isn’t as though Windows 11 hasn’t given me problems on that thing in the past, or it hasn’t given me… problems to begin with, even though it’s able to take Windows 11 just fine and is nearly a clone of this computer. If this continues to give me trouble, I’m seriously thinking about leaving Windows 10 on it because Windows 10 has given me a lot less trouble than this and it’s just not something that I want to fight this computer over.

It had to be mentioned in here at some point.

One of these days, I’m going to get around to starting a category (or tag, I’m not quite sure yet) about questions that I’ve gotten asked… a lot of them have to do with whether or not something is “safe to take”, and friends of mine like to ask me these questions because they know that they’re going to get a non-judgmental answer, but also a no-nonsense one. Two of the questions that I am most frequently asked are whether or not kratom is safe to take — and questions branching off of that about kratom, which for the sake of this blog post I’m lumping into one question — and phenibut, which… I’m going to warn some of you now, I have developed quite a colorful response to that for reasons I get into when I answer the question…

Meanwhile, now that this computer is hardwired I’m beginning to muck around with different streaming schedules to figure out which one will work best for me. I don’t want to stream to the point that I burn myself out on it, but I do want to become Twitch Affiliate at some point (and then, in the future… Twitch Partner).

We are making progress re-downloading games!

I am actually almost done re-downloading Bub’s games because of our hardwired connection!

Weirdly, a few times the SSD has shown up on the drive list of the gaming PC… but I’ve always seen it vanish, so I know not to depend on it for anything important. It’s also vanished each time it’s shown back up, and the time on that has varied. Sometimes it hangs out there on the drive list for a few others. Other times, it’s there for ten minutes. Either way, it’s getting replaced at some point with something that can actually be depended on and relied on, and I’m not using the one that’s currently in this computer until it’s replaced with that more dependable and reliable one. As much as I don’t like having to break into this computer again (or even the laptop, for that matter), I know that it’s going to have to get done at some point, just like how I want to upgrade the 1TB HDD in my laptop that stores Bub’s games to a 2TB one to avoid me having to shuffle games around on it to make room. These things are like my babies too! I want to take good care of them!

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