Archive of ‘blog maintenance’ category

I mean, beggars can’t be choosers here, so…

It seems like a lot less people write in WordPress than they did in the 2000s.

I’m fine with that, though, because I enjoy using WordPress to write with.

I suppose it’s just a matter of finding other bloggers, especially ones that use WordPress (and it’s even better when it’s self-hosted WordPress!) and adding them to my blogroll, although even if they don’t use either one of those two things that’s fine too. I don’t write for anyone else but me, although that doesn’t mean that I don’t like reading what other people have to say and having a more active, robust blog than I do now in terms of comments. It seems like it’s a ghost town out there since, comparatively speaking, so few people blog openly like this. And that doesn’t go to mean that all of my posts will be open — once I get more readers, or enough readers, I might make password-protected posts in here, that way I don’t wind up locking everyone out whenever that time may be. I suppose I should figure out what those posts may be about, and consider coming up with a password or multiple passwords for these posts that aren’t really easy to guess…

I mean, that may be awhile out, but it’s better not to forget about the whole thing and scramble to work on it.

When it’s not one thing, it’s always another.

I get the most peculiar spam comments.

It’s gotten to the point that if, and invariably when, I get spam comments, I use Sweep to get rid of them.

At any rate, not long ago the special effects “wizard” from the fifteenth season of Supernatural decided to start shit online that was pretty much all manner of +phobic. It got to the point where he quickly made it clear that he was reveling in the extra attention, so a lot of people backed off once they had seen for themselves that was actually the case. Since I don’t like taking comment and post blocks on social media sites, I kept all of my interactions with him civil even though they were not polite as he had not given me any reason to be polite to him. But he did respond to something that I posted about him regarding his failure to understand what virtue signaling really is, and he patronizingly called me “kiddo” in the comment back to me. I reminded him that I will soon be thirty-five years old and hardly a “kiddo” by the definition of the word, and he didn’t correspond with me at all after that point. I suppose it really is for the better that he didn’t…

And then there was the old stick of “kids don’t know what gender or sexuality they are!”. Not true.

This show practically ruined itself by the last three episodes, and the last episode of the series in particular.

Given that Supernatural started before I had either one of my children and was still able-bodied, it will obviously take me some time to “get over” this, assuming that I do at all. Many people invested a lot of their emotions into this show just for everything to go sour at the end, and I empathize with their frustrations.

How do you get PageRank in 2020, anyway?

Back in the day, when I had two blogs attached to a domain of mine via subdomain, it wasn’t that difficult to get PageRank on both of them… but this was “in the day” when self-hosted blogging was more popular than it was, so PageRank just kind of came to them over time. Now I’m checking my blog’s PageRank on sites like Google PageRank Checker (not a plug, honestly! just a site that I use), wondering when or even if this blog will ever obtain some sort of PageRank. If I ever want to do anything in the way of this blog, having some kind of PageRank on that would not only be nice, it would be kind of instrumental… or that’s what I’ve been led to believe, anyway. I’m still led to believe that Google PageRank is a pretty important metric to consider.

I guess this is something that I’m going to have to figure out for myself and to play by ear. Admittedly, blogging isn’t quite as popular as it used to be, although I’m obviously very glad that people still do blog.

I’ve started this habit, and I do not regret this.

In between migraines and… living the slightly busy life that I do with my kids, I’ve started to queue up posts, and with very few exceptions, I do not regret getting into this habit. This means that if I am having a day where there is a lot of migraine activity (and to get the diagnosis of chronic migraine disorder, you have to have at least fifteen headache days per month with at least eight of those being migraine days, and I have that diagnosis… on top of that, mine are intractable, which means that medication does not easily “put them down”), or Bub and Monster are keeping me busy, I don’t have to worry about missing days posting on here. Having posts queued also helps in the event that my server actually does suffer the downtime that I mentioned last month, because when it does manage to come back up, the posts that I had queued will automatically publish… or, at least, that’s how they have so far, but the first, last, and only downtime that I actually saw my site have lasted over the course of one night, and then I had to fix the SSL that I have here.

I am continuing to titrate down on Trokendi, having been on topiramate in some form for awhile now.

Like I’ve probably already mentioned(, using social media so much that I have to ask myself “have I mentioned this here?”), if I am having migraines at the frequency and severity that I am, the medication that I’ve been on the longest… might not be the one that’s working. I did feel it when I dropped down from 300mg to 200mg, but once I got over that hurdle, I felt no difference. And it wasn’t even so much as more migraine activity than I felt the side effects — or lack of some, if you want to be technical — of dropping down 100mg.

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