Archive of ‘blog maintenance’ category

When my site crashes, it’s like third baby crashing.

Another thing that I didn’t mention in here was that last month, for the better part of one evening and… through the following night, my site actually crashed. Part of this was due to my site’s host, although they were good about letting me know this when I submitted a ticket. For some strange reason, the other part of this was due to my SSL, which I was able to fix the following morning once my site’s hosting came back up. In the interim, it was like my third child had crashed, though. However, I attribute it to the nortriptyline that my neurologist has me on for migraine prophylaxis that I was more mellowed out about it than I would otherwise have been — at the very least, my blog crashing for several hours would have upset me more than it actually did (and I mean, it did bother me that my site was down for roughly twelve hours, but it didn’t distress me). But at any rate, I do have some really nice SSL going for my blog now due to it, which is good.

I think it would actually bother me more if Instagram crashed for a long time, because for all intents and purposes I should be the world record holder for most pictures taken on it (116,000 and counting… and yes, that is how many pictures I’ve actually taken on there). My account there is private right now, though I would be willing to open it up and keep it open if that would allow me to actually get the world record for that, heh.

Since I’ve been uploading most of my Facebook videos to our YouTube account, who knows though… maybe I’ll inadvertently get the world record for most videos posted over there since all of those have to be public by default. I might trip and fall myself into a world record. It’ll happen before I know it. At some point it has to.

Oh, how I miss the website known as Entrecard.

Back when I had another blog, there used to be this website called Entrecard, which was the literal equivalent of a blog “calling card” or a business card for your blog. You could “drop” your blog’s business card onto other sites that ran Entrecard, thereby exposing your blog to other people that ran Entrecard on their blog, which got your blog more hits and views… that is, until Entrecard suddenly stopped working.

The website has, for whatever reason, actually been down for a really long time now.

I’ve wondered what has happened to it. It’s a shame that something that was so successful randomly stopped working, because I would have liked to resume using it with this blog if it were still functional…

It figures that I would like this song, y’all.

Well, I had given a SEO plugin a try for a little while, but since it didn’t deliver the results that I had hoped for, I figured that there was no harm in getting rid of it. After all, I’m about saving space when and where I can.

But at any rate, it figures that I would like this song for multiple reasons, so here it is.

Facebook picture filters are always amusing, y’all.

This one happens to be one of my favorites. Monster likes “the science one”, even though that one’s gone…

Meanwhile, I’ve been installing some plugins behind the scenes, choosing some popular ones since it’s been a bit more than a decade since I’ve actually blogged publicly, let alone on WordPress. One of the ones that I chose was Yoast, since it’s been awhile since I’ve done SEO, let alone on a(ny) website. I guess I’ll be finding out in a few weeks how well it works for me since I am running Google Analytics in the background of this.

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