I love coming up with subject lines sometimes.

The joy of social media, in a nutshell: “but have I mentioned this here? on this particular website?”

One of the things that I realized that I hadn’t done was take down some pictures that my mom had hung in my room while she was still alive, and it eventually got to the point that I wanted to remove them and make some more room on my walls for things that I would like to get around to hanging, so I began to do that. Truth be told, it wasn’t too difficult to remove most of them, although… being as short as I am, it did involve standing on a chair to remove the last few of them, but I managed. At some point, I would like to hang the certificate of membership that I got from The Satanic Temple up on my wall, and I wouldn’t have had the room on my wall if I didn’t begin taking things down. I also want to hang the certificate of ministry that I have from the Universal Life Church, because I got that in the event that any friends of mine want(ed) me to preside over weddings for them, especially if they were LBGT and encountered difficulties finding someone who was willing to preside for them in the earlier years of same-sex marriage legalization when this was more of a thing and same-sex marriage had just become legalized in all fifty states in the United States.

I would also hang my associate’s degree up on my wall, but I got that in 2012, but I’m not very attached to it.

I think my associate’s degree is best off remaining in my closet, as I don’t consider “getting an education” something worth hanging on my wall. I don’t know… maybe that’s just me. It’s what you do with what you have that matters more, I think, not just “getting it”. So many people are gatekept out of getting higher education in America due to the prohibitive price of it, especially once you factor student loans into the situation anyway. I’m lucky in that I was even able to get a student loan with Pell Grants as it was anyway.

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