Posts Tagged ‘Supernatural’

I will admit that this actually surprised me a bit.

This might have had something to do with an AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) that Jared Padalecki had not too long ago where, when given the opportunity, I asked him if he would ever consider apologizing to Robbie for his now-infamous “et tu, brute” Tweet, and I asked him if he would ever reconsider having the public temper tantrums that he’s become known for having on Twitter since… about 2015, I want to say. Stands puts up with so much shit from other people that I find it bizarre and perplexing that my questions during his completely valid AMA would have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, but I digress. They tend to work with a lot of Supernatural actors selling products, and I don’t think I’m going to be buying any more products for them or giving them any more patronage. Shame, though, because what I wanted to ask them is if they were going to resume selling the Impala purse (“clutch bag”) at any point in the future, but whatever. If you don’t want my money, you don’t want my money. You’re making that clear all on your own.

Supernatural fandom drama is still alive and well.

To clarify in advance, Hellers are Supernatural fans who ship Castiel and Dean Winchester.

· friend begins making videos chronicling “Heller events”, as someone succinctly put it (Supernatural drama)
· when first video is complete, friend posts link to it in various places — it is also public on YouTube
· someone comments on Tumblr about how friend stole someone else’s written rendition of Heller news
· this person deletes those messages and their Tumblr account right after doing so, even though it was seen
· the person who had been doing a decidedly different, daily written rendition of Heller news sends a Tweet to my friend that is very similarly worded (and has since been deleted) about how people shouldn’t steal other people’s ideas, coming out of left field because the two news deliveries are extremely different
· a simple search on Twitter (of people mentioning this account name) reveals that this person, the writer of the written Heller news, had used the Twitter account name that was literally the Tumblr that made the initial comment in notes about how friend allegedly stole his idea, tying the initial Tumblr comment made to my friend to the Tweet that was sent to him… and yes, getting knee-deep in this is giving me a headache
· friend points this out and by merely doing so, this starts a cascade of drama that is not friend’s fault
· I repeatedly extend the offer that this can be discussed on friend’s Discord server since I am an admin there and can keep the conversation civil, but this person (the writer of the daily, written Heller news) refuses
· people think that friend bullied the person that writes the written Heller news when this is not the case

As much as I enjoyed reading the daily, written version of Heller news (and can see from a mile away that my friend’s rendition of the news by way of YouTube video couldn’t be any more different from the written version, both in terms of delivery style and overall content), those who insist on “sticking up” for this person — not my friend, I’m trying not to name names here in my blog — have made me feel as though I have to “pick a side” in all of this. If I had to pick a side though, it would be pretty obvious which side I would pick.

Y’all, I am here for the critique, fan works and meta… I swear, I did not come here for the drama.

And so it predictably comes right back around.

So Bub accidentally bit me during a meltdown…

…and since I was on 40mg prednisone at the time, it turned into severe cellulitis.

He also caused injury to the site that he bit me at, hence the cellulitis.

The story of my life seems to be “no dose of prednisone is low enough to stop all of these side effects,” even though my spirometry clearly needed it. I had to get a tetanus shot at urgent care due to it and was placed on antibiotics (clindamycin, to be exact). Fortunately my stomach can tolerate it, which wasn’t the case for the Omnicef that I was put on for that Staph infection, but it does seem to be making me a little bit tired…

That is preferable though. I’ll learn to deal with it. I don’t like being tired, though. But I hate nausea.

Also, if you don’t already know, the Supernatural fandom is still very alive and well after the show’s end.

Let’s take a drive down drama highway.

This is Supernatural fandom wank in case it happens to confuse any of you. I’m sorry!

A few days before I decided to write this post and have it publish, a Tweet that I had sent the CW criticizing their queer erasure and pointing out the trauma that the series finale caused was liked by a Twitter account that looked like it was the official Chaos Machine Productions Twitter account (Jensen and Danneel’s production company). I happened to catch it, and screenshot it, because I had my phone in my hand waiting for one of my kids to get out of occupational therapy. I tend to keep my phone on my person unless I am charging it because it is their lifeline to doctors, specialists, and therapists, and in case I have a seizure — I have non-convulsive epilepsy that is mostly nocturnal, but I want to be prepared for the possibility of seizures… no longer being nocturnal, or no longer being just nocturnal — I can contact someone that I know in person if I am the only adult in the house. They will then call, and I will hand the phone to my oldest son. I go apraxic during almost all of my seizures now, but I can still write at least one word (“seizure”), maybe two (“having seizure”), and I can certainly store an automated message on my phone. At any rate, I screenshot the whole thing because they unliked the Tweet seconds later, and I understand that sometimes people running multiple Twitter accounts — one for home, one for work — might accidentally like something on the work account that they… should not have, which lent credibility to initial speculation that this was real.

And I mean, the official Batwoman account for the CW followed me for like… six months at one point.

It is what it is. So yeah. Anyway.

I posted the screenshots to my Twitter account in the interest of sharing it with the fandom at large and seeing what some of them thought. The next thing I know, I’m suddenly drowning in Likes and Retweets— no, just kidding, I wasn’t actually drowning, I love most of you and I was braced for the possibility of these screenshots landing like that. I did turn off notifications on my phone at one point so that my kids could play on it and watch YouTube videos as both of them are keen on doing. They also know better than to check my social media because I don’t allow either of them on social media, and because most of it is fandom-related stuff and geekery anyway, so it would go right over their heads. (But for the record, I would like to state that I do not view anything on my phone that I would not want them to, were they able to do so, root through and find even if I had cleared my history. I mean, I could, and just clear my history… but I’m not comfortable with even the idea of that happening, so I don’t. I also clear my history out of force of habit, that way when I do want to use Safari to search for something, I’m not drowning in the searches of mine I already did or the websites that I could have cleared but didn’t. I’m just a bit smarter than Dean when it comes to phones…)


Well, after a fun-filled twenty-four hours (some of which I napped or slept during), that account eventually outed itself as a fan account and made it clear on that Twitter account that it was not the real Chaos Machine Productions account. Honestly, I feel like this should’ve been done sooner to avoid confusion.

That’s just me though.

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