Posts Tagged ‘religion’

I now have… more than one deck of things.

In addition to having a few tarot decks, having come by them over the years, I have an intentions deck.

I’ve used it once already and I do have to say that it fulfills a purpose. I like it a lot, from the pictures that are on one side of the cards to the actual writing on the other side of the cards. Given the opportunity, I think I’m going to take pictures of the deck and post them up here because… well, why not? And in addition to that, I have The Devil’s Deck, which is a deck of cards meant to go with Shiva Honey’s The Devil’s Tome, which I continue to look at and read passages from to this day as they relate to Satanic ritual. To me, it’s a lot more than just “being Satanic to make my parents mad” — one of them formally defected from their family’s (Mormon) religion, the other one is dead — or “doing it to be edgy”. I sincerely believe the things that are set out in atheistic Satanism, and the “found family” that I’ve found by communing with like-minded people has been tremendously helpful. I literally don’t know of any other, better way to put it. If I had become Catholic at the urging of Bub and his father’s family, I would have quit being Catholic for this. It wouldn’t have mattered if we were married and this caused us to get divorced, either. I never wanted to be Catholic in the first place, so I would have cut my losses and moved on authentically being the person that I was meant to be all along.

I have fallen down the rabbit hole of tarot.

Truth be told, I’ve owned a tarot deck for the longest time. Our first tarot deck was gifted to me by a good friend, as he had joked that “I might need to have it on hand if (Bub’s paternal grandmother) shows back up on my doorstep”. I kept it around for sentimental reasons, and because it is a fully functional tarot deck.

The second deck that we acquired was one that I wanted us to have on hand to have a larger deck, and I managed to score one off of eBay for a considerable… dent in the normal asking price for that particular deck because I happened to find a seller that had taken a lot off of the normal asking price for it. Needless to say, I got us that tarot deck as soon as I saw that listing. That’s been the deck that we have generally used.

The third deck that we got, again, came from a friend. It was the official Supernatural Tarot deck.

I also got Bub a deck of his very own that is en route to us now because he continued to eye our decks.

Now I kind of want to begin making a bit of a habit out of collecting affordable oracle and tarot decks. I don’t know… there’s just something about them, and ritual Satanism, that draws me to them. I just like using them.

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