Posts Tagged ‘religion’

Picked up a few birthday games for Bub!

· Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Dx (Nintendo Switch)
· Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (Nintendo Switch)

These are pre-orders, but it’s clearly the thought that matters here.

In another post, I’ll be enclosing the actual picture that caused The Transformed Wife (and several theists at that) to actually see red. “You made Bub hold that up!” I had him hold up a certain… documentary that we finally managed to get our hands on in direct response to a Tweet that she had sent out about how you needed to “raise all children to joyously know God” (I’m sure some of you know exactly what he must have been holding up by virtue of exactly which direction this blog post is going in, but I digress), because I got blocked within probably an hour of me commenting back to her with that Tweet. “Earned it,” was my mental response, and yes, it was absolutely worth it to me. Bub also consented to every part of that. Who presumes competence in this house? I do. Who demonstrates competence in this house? Clearly Bub and Monster do!

If you want to be misogynistic and reaching for people’s derision, you need to expect people like me to rise…

I think I made her see red, folks. No small feat.

One of the things that I like to engage in across social media platforms is “counter-apologetics”. Having the… experiences that I have had in “aggressive theism”, I’ve keenly come to understand how important it is to “get the other side” out there, how to present the other side, and how not to let theist apologists “score as many for (deity, but usually it’s Christ here)” as they can, especially because this translates into attempts to legislate for Christ, get people who aren’t members of your religion to follow your doctrine even if they don’t want to and otherwise would not — this is particularly prevalent with the Catholic church’s “make them raise the kids in Christ, and don’t let the woman contracept even if she is not Catholic because “to have a valid marriage you have to be open to life, and this means never contracepting” — forget that the separation of church and state exists when you get someone religious in a position of power, try to “get” the state or country to “be” a certain religion, even (especially) if it’s unofficial, forget that in a lot of other countries, dissent (or even being LBGT, and being outed) can and very often means harm or death for that individual…

Obviously, I could easily go on. But I’ll cut that short for now. You all should get the point.

I am a very enthusiastic counter-apologist (“she’s back at it with the sass”, “what is she doing on Twitter again”, my friends). When The Transformed Wife went on a bender this morning about “raising your children to joyously know God” — one big pet peeve of mine, and I mean big, is to forcibly indoctrinate your children “because it is the family way”, or worse, out of fear (“you’ll go to Hell if…”) — I simply responded back to her with a picture of Bub holding the Hail Satan DVD that we now have a copy of, which he consented to every step of the way, and me quipping, “Say he’s cute, bitch,” or something along those lines. Bub has expressed interest in Baphomet lately and was squealing as soon as I unboxed it and he saw Baphomet on the cover.

So I Tweeted Lucien Greaves and The Satanic Temple with my accomplishment because well, why not?

They always protect the religious white man.

I got comment and post blocked on Facebook for a full thirty days because someone that I was having a discussion with about religion did not like the fact that I refuse to consent to Bub’s infantile (or childhood) baptism and am not comfortable, or willing, to allow any children of mine to undergo religious indoctrination. It seems like Facebook protects Christian, white-passing men more than they protect any other people, because as soon as those people make a report against you for anything it stands, and no matter how many rules they break, you can never successfully report them for anything because no matter how many times you report them and appeal it Facebook won’t punish them at all. And attempting to hold Facebook accountable for any of this is nearly, if not actually, impossible. I don’t think the platform will ever change.

That discussion did remind me of the fact that when Bub’s paternal family actually coerced me into attending Masses with them against my will, for all but the first Mass and when I was not taking care of our child, I actually brought my PSP with me to Mass and played video games for nearly the full hour because I literally physically did not want to be there and was being drug there against my will. I would hide it in the arm of my sweater (“your church is cold”, and I mean, although it was, I also did not want to be there). I had to have attended something in the ballpark of twenty Masses with them and, to this day, can not tell you what goes on at Mass or what they do when aside from the fact that sometimes they stand, other times they kneel, and I refused to do any of these things. (Although I will take the time to mention that the first time I attended Mass with them I had to sit in the main area of the church with Bub’s father’s family and he had to tell his mother that I was refusing to stand when… they did various things. I’m glad that they chose not to make a scene out of it because, let me tell you, I would have risen to the occasion with my Scottish DNA…)

I can, however, tell you the games that I played while I was intentionally ignoring everything that went on around me, and when I saved my progress and turned off the PSP… when they began to walk up to receive the Eucharist. Bub’s paternal grandmother once forced me to go up there to get a blessing and I remember literally running from the priest afterward. Seriously, I really ran from the man. The joke must have been on him blessing someone who didn’t believe in God… I wonder if the irony was ever lost on him at any point.

There also came a point in time when I was breastfeeding my son outside of the cry room and main area where they have Masses (what do you call this?), and Bub’s father insisted on following me. He could have gone back into the main area of the church where they… do this stuff, but against my will, regularly being informed that I did not want to attend Masses, the church functions, and the church get-togethers that I was being coerced into attending, he attempts to involve me in the “peace be with you” part of whatever it is that they do. I actually yell at him to leave me alone, and I yell so loud that were the Mass not already loud the entire church would have heard him yell at me. One parishioner that happens to be outside hears me and asks me if I’m alright. I literally tell him that he won’t leave me alone, but nothing gets done about it, and it does not take until the end of our relationship (although I don’t think he or his family will ever learn, or see, what they’ve done wrong here) for him to even remotely start to see that I’m saying that I do not want to attend or be part of any of this for a reason, I do not want to convert, leave me alone, just leave me out of it.

Of course, Bub doesn’t jump as any of this happens. Maybe he was used to his paternal family screaming.

Not like I didn’t actually see that coming.

“I wonder what I’ll write about in my blog today—”

Check the local section of my Facebook and see that people are talking about how a cult is apparently operating here under the “guise” of a local church. You literally could not make this up if you tried. What seems to be the most hilarious about all of this is the fact that they have “enough” of a Facebook presence that people are leaving them negative reviews on Facebook about the cult’s interactions with various people as they attempt to recruit. So this is essentially helping them blow up on social media. I suppose this is actually something good about the reach that Facebook has, for all the negative things that you can say about it. (And this is the guy that I’m talking about, by the way. This is allegedly the founder of the cult or something. I am just now reading about it.) I just now saw all of this begin to “cross” my Facebook timeline.

In the interim, I’ve been looking for things to “pad” our gaming collection, especially since Bub’s birthday is at the very end of next month. So stumbling across this information was actually very surprising, if not a bit flabbergasting, because who honestly expects an actual cult to spring up in their town, regardless of the size? I know that I’ve joked that the hold that theistic religions have on some people is akin to the holds that cults have on some people, but now there seems to be an actual cult… in my city. Sure, it may not be geographically close to me since my city is not small, but now there seems to be an actual cult in my city.

You don’t ever see cults spring up in Satanism, although theists would probably actually regard Satanism as a cult (even though it is atheistic satanism, the complete rejection of theism, particularly Abrahamic theism).

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