Posts Tagged ‘politics’

Watching Election Day maps fill up has been a trip.

This is something that I try not to put too much stock into, because there hasn’t been a candidate running for the Presidency in this country for awhile that has managed to meet the majority of my family’s political needs with the platform that he proposed, let alone whatever amalgamation of it actually became reality.

Some candidates, and some Presidents, have certainly been much worse than others though.

I’m not even going to lie.

As I publish this post, I’m watching the Election Day electoral college map fill up (something that I feel has more than served whatever purpose it may have had in decades past, not something that we continue to need to use now as we need to begin electing candidates strictly by popular vote, not allowing a handful of “swing states” to be the only ones to elect candidates for whom their votes matter far more than our own).

And as it is, for a number of reasons I’d like to move out of the state that my family currently resides in for a number of reasons, very little actually having anything to do with the political climate of the state that we live in, although the political climate of that particular state… does continue to leave a lot to be desired.

It’s Sunday. I don’t need to come up with a subject.

I mentioned wanting to move out of Texas as soon as the chance availed us (which would quite likely be my dad, and only surviving parent’s, death as there are a lot of things that I do not want to inherit for a lot of reasons that I know I will have to refuse… but the political climate could get even more worse than it already is, so I mean, we shall see), and people are already being extremely helpful making that doable! As I mentioned a few posts back, I can only hope that there continue to be these same — or similarly minded — good people in the world, and that people continue to be as helpful as they have been. I’ll continue to mention it in here, as will I make the occasional errant post about it to keep people updated, particularly those who are being as helpful as they are. I would be writing more in here, but I had a seizure in my sleep that I’m guessing didn’t wake me up — not a major one, but none of them are minor — and it’s been fun recuperating from that. It usually takes me a few days to fully recuperate, but I manage to do it every time.

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