It’s Sunday. I don’t need to come up with a subject.

I mentioned wanting to move out of Texas as soon as the chance availed us (which would quite likely be my dad, and only surviving parent’s, death as there are a lot of things that I do not want to inherit for a lot of reasons that I know I will have to refuse… but the political climate could get even more worse than it already is, so I mean, we shall see), and people are already being extremely helpful making that doable! As I mentioned a few posts back, I can only hope that there continue to be these same — or similarly minded — good people in the world, and that people continue to be as helpful as they have been. I’ll continue to mention it in here, as will I make the occasional errant post about it to keep people updated, particularly those who are being as helpful as they are. I would be writing more in here, but I had a seizure in my sleep that I’m guessing didn’t wake me up — not a major one, but none of them are minor — and it’s been fun recuperating from that. It usually takes me a few days to fully recuperate, but I manage to do it every time.

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