Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

I am continuing to fix the state’s screw-up.

For some reason, our local HHSC claimed to have “lost” the good cause forms that have been on file with Bub and Monster’s child support cases since 2014 (Monster’s had one since 2007, but a social worker took the good cause indicator off of his case without telling me in 2014). I was able to contact a customer care representative at the child support office who was perplexed that they were claiming to have lost the forms, because he stated that the good cause forms are referred with the rest of the case each time that HHSC’s automated computer systems mistakenly refer the cases to be enforced. He was able to send me the good cause waiver that the child support office has on file, which I sent to HHSC both by e-mail and as a change request, especially since he indicated that it could be e-mailed and I wanted to expedite things as far as I possibly could. At some point after that, though, family violence indicators were put on the cases as they appear to be pending closure, which means that customer care representatives working at the child support office can not see a lot of the information relating to the cases that they could once see. So I’m waiting on them to… liaison with HHSC about why these cases continue to be referred, and attempts made at working them, in spite of the fact that working either case poses safety issues to us. The state office has now gotten in on this as well, although it also appears that my local office is continuing to do work trying to figure out why these cases continue to be referred for enforcement and why folks are mysteriously “losing” documents.

The last time that this happened was in 2014, and it resulted in one case actually briefly being worked to the point of wage garnishment. I think I’ve mentioned that somewhere in here before, but the person in question… retaliated when they found out that their pay had been garnished, quit their job violently, and fled the country over it for as long as they could stay there. My only regret was that he could not stay longer.

DoorDashing on Bub’s dime: Subway!

Bub and I have a new… thing that we do, although we readily invite Monster into it as well.

It seems to be our special thing, and a way that we’ve begun to bond.

We use some of the child support that he receives on DoorDash. It’s a great way to broaden his palate, and it avoids actually having to go out and get the food, which is even greater in a global pandemic. So far we’ve tried Subway to everyone’s satisfaction, and I budgeted this into his child support payments as a weekly thing. At this point, I think Bub is “down” for anything that has copious amounts of bread in it. The person that Dashed Subway for us also read the instructions that I left them, which stated not to ring the doorbell because I didn’t want it to scare our dog or my kids. I told them that I would periodically be checking to see if our food was out there, and then I found out that you can actually track deliveries, which makes DoorDash even greater as far as I’m concerned. I think we’ll try some fast food items, to include ones that I haven’t had in years (does Bub like Arby’s? would Bub like Arby’s? let’s find this out at some point). This will be really fun.

I mean, this money has to be spent some way. Why not spend some of it on fun, educational, yummy things?

Organizing things a bit better than they were.

I organized all the consoles, and the cords that go from the consoles to the television, and… well, everything. Since we still have almost all, if not all, of our retro consoles it took some handiwork to ensure that everything that I needed to reach was within reach. And not so surprisingly, organizing everything made it simple to tell what goes where (beyond what it was already, which wasn’t bad), especially because I took a Sharpie pen to various things and wrote on them. HDMI 1, HDMI 2, AV/Component, what have you. At some point in the future I intend on organizing the games a bit better as well, and I’m probably going to start a Microsoft Word or OpenOffice file with the games that we have. I’m actually surprised I haven’t done that…

At some point I would like to start streaming gameplay on YouTube, which is what I am setting up for.

I’m just going to be doing it a bit differently from most streamers because I don’t inadvertently want there to be footage of Bub melting down or vocalizing unhappily, so I’m looking at adding audio from myself in after.

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