Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

I’m still shopping for Bub’s birthday, y’all.

Since he doesn’t care what day he gets things as long as he gets them, I’ve been pre-ordering games that I know he will like. I’ll be writing about them in here as they actually arrive and we get a chance to play them.

I also got him more Meowth and Persian plushes since those are his favorite Pokemon. I know for a fact that all but one of those will arrive before his birthday. I had to order one of the Persian plushes from Japan, so that one might not arrive until after his birthday has come and gone… but there is still hope for the thing…

I may also pick up his cake before his birthday and let both of the kids chow down on it. The grocer near my house sells a lot of great cakes, particularly birthday cakes, and I’ve seen unicorn cakes for sale a time or two over there. I’m considering picking one of those up for him the next time that I have a chance and can swing by the grocer. His favorite stuffed animal is a unicorn, so he should like this cake and this should work!

In case it actually needs to be said here…

There are certain things beyond what I have already mentioned in here that I… haven’t mentioned in here, that I may later write about under the protection of a password-protected post. Some of the people who already know me might be aware of these things, but they weren’t things that I wanted to write about within the confines of a completely public post because anyone who had my blog URL or stumbled across my blog could see them… but that is also the reason that I don’t use any of our real names in this blog, or on social networking sites with public contents. I’m also careful with what I do disclose. I still haven’t figured out the best way to approach writing about… what I’ve mentioned for the purposes of writing in this blog, although that may come with time. It’s something that is going to have to come with being thought about.

To lighten this post up a little bit, here’s a cute picture of Bub sitting on top of pillows.

I shouldn’t have had to fight like this, but…

Enforcement on Bub’s child support case should be, and stay, ceased.

I shouldn’t have had to fight state agencies on this on this like I did, but that was what it came down to. I wound up having to divulge things that I hadn’t really talked about until that point, especially recently… but they were necessary to paint the picture of why enforcement of his child support order would not be safe for either one of us. I wound up having to contact my state’s low-income legal aid service, letting them know what was going on, although I may not need their services if the good cause waiver for his child support case was and stays approved. I’ll be sure to let them know how things are going, or have gone, at the point of our next contact. And having sent an e-mail to one of my state’s HHSC’s internal e-mail accounts also helped expedite matters, but I think I’ve already mentioned beginning to correspond with HHSC’s family violence program specialist. At that point, and at this point, I wasn’t willing to put up with the refusal of a good cause waiver when one had been on his case since 2014, and I didn’t want to have to relive certain… traumatic events that had occurred, even though I wound up having to do exactly that to have new good cause forms filled out (twice for Bub! because the first one that the domestic violence specialist submitted to HHSC was denied, even though approval of those are supposed to be at the discretion of the domestic violence specialist, not HHSC themselves). At the end of the day, I did what I had to do to protect my child.

I did what I had to do to protect myself as well, because I do not need any further interactions with members of my children’s paternal families, and lack of enforcement on their child support orders minimizes this risk.

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