Posts Tagged ‘life’

This was the highlight of my day. Seriously, it was.

Blaire White blocked me on Twitter because I agreed with someone that her complaint about cancel culture was hypocritical given that she literally monetizes cancel culture, especially in certain cases like making the videos that she has about “Gamestop girl” (Tiffany). She knows that those videos will bring in a lot of clicks and revenue for her, and she knows exactly what sort of reaction she will get from those when her fans and followers go to Tiffany’s public social networking sites to leave hateful and vile comments… and yet she continues to do it because that’s how she makes money and she wants to continue to make money like that.

I pointed it out nicely, but that is just what she does when she makes videos like those. Make it make sense.

Since people want to bring this up (again)…

“Your mom did so many nice things for the kids while she was alive!”

(And in comparatively good health.)

Yes, and she spent the last six months of her life doing what I’ve written about. So now, knowing what I know about dementia and the increased likelihood that she developed it, I have to look back at pictures on TimeHop — one of which I am including in this post — and wonder how long she really harbored these thoughts about the involved, aforementioned child, and how long she was able to keep them to herself until she wasn’t able to keep them to herself “because of the brain tumor removal, her fighting cancer” (the latter of which I think is one of the most asinine excuses you can possibly give for this, but the kind of people that say things like “she did so many nice things for the kids while she was alive” trying to justify what she did to my child before she died have to be reaching at straws here) and her likely developing dementia before her death. And then I realize that she probably began thinking these things as early as his autism diagnosis at age two and a half, so she probably thought them for the majority of his life, which makes pictures like the one below even more infuriating for me to see come across my TimeHop, but uploading one here to make the point will make the point. I am 99.9% convinced that this picture was a complete and total lie on her part.

Men, sometimes you actually are the problem here.

If you’re a white, Christian man, you can say whatever you want on Facebook and no matter how many times you get reported for actually breaking the Terms of Service (community… rules, whatever they call them), no one will actually do anything to you for it. Or if they do, they will be extremely hard-pressed to.

If you’re not, though, you will be comment and post-blocked almost ruthlessly, especially if you become a well-known advocate, and especially if you speak out against… well, men. Especially if they are white Christian men. Or conservative men. (For instance, fathers who affiliate with some of the Father’s Rights Movements pages can make various threats directed at individuals who work for family law, to include the judges, and Facebook is very hard-pressed to actually remove a lot of those comments… and then a lot of people on Facebook has the nerve to act surprised when some of these fathers actually follow through on these threats and commit acts of violence, especially to their exes and/or the minor children that they share.)

I never thought that I would actually say this given that Twitter is half as bad at getting certain inflammatory items removed, but Twitter is not quite as bad about having an awry, computerized reporting system that is incredibly easy to abuse and weaponize. I’ve only been post-blocked on Twitter one time for a full twenty-four hours if I’m not mistaken, and that took a lot of effort to actually get to happen. I was almost impressed.

It may be 2020, but men need to understand that as a whole their gender is not an actually protected class.

And not even in custody cases they are not as discriminated against as they delude themselves into thinking.

At any rate, I have nineteen days left until I can actually use Facebook again, thanks to Catholic apologists.

Let’s not act Rick and Morty out in real life.

I’m just using this picture of Bub here because it’s a cute picture that I took.

But in relevant news, I got into a debate with a nihilist that wanted to double down on everything, and… sparing you the details, never do that. I’m not sure if they were intentionally sealioning (and yes, that is a thing) on every topic that came up or they weren’t aware that they were actually that obtuse, but they were. It was also one of the few discussions that actually saw the “Nazi card” properly invoked, too. The individual in question only admitted that “fit” people should breed and that disabled people “should not”, and they seemed to wonder why this invoked a lot of ire from more participants that began to join the debate… discussion… whatever you might like to call it. I am now going to draw a hard line in the sand at actually talking to those kind of people, though. If you sincerely hold those beliefs, I will end the conversation with you as soon as you bring them up. No espousing Aktion T4 sentiments on my watch, please. Not during a global pandemic where more people are dying than we had sum casualties during the Vietnam War. And not during the Trump Administration. But not in general. Like, from now on, I don’t even care about proving these people wrong in debates and discussions by wearing them down with my normal, stubborn nature. Just no.

It is 2020. People should not seriously be espousing sentiments reminiscent of Aktion T4 in 2020. Seriously.

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