Posts Tagged ‘life’

Next time maybe I’ll just go digital here.

Something that I got Monster was supposed to arrive yesterday, but was unexpectedly delayed with the last tracking scan being on the delivery truck… and now it says that it will be here by Monday. If I had known that there would be a delay like this while the thing was on the delivery truck of all places I might have, probably would have gotten it digital. It was meant to be one of the newest Pokemon games available since we’ve been playing them together since Monster was like… three, and since Bub was born. Sure, that will more than likely involve juggling space on the microSD cards, or games’ other internal storages, at some point, but it beats the alternative of shipping progressively getting slower on things (especially around the holidays).

If this doesn’t come, I will report it to FedEx as missing the first day that I am able to since it was supposed to come through FedEx, and then simply never get anything from Walmart again unless it’s in person or me doing something like picking up medications from Walmart… again, in person. What sucks is the fact that my insurance now allows most of our medications to be shipped to our house, which would be nice if it weren’t for the fact that FedEx would be the ones shipping and delivering them. Maybe I won’t take my chances…

Well, that should have ended predictably for him.

Someone on my governor’s Facebook page said something really ableist about how I needed to teach my disabled children to rely on themselves rather than other people, and through the help of my friends finding out where he worked that got reported to the Human Relations (HR) department of his job. We’ve confirmed that it is his job by virtue of their response to us — they’ve also stated that they will take the appropriate action to it, so I can only imagine that they are not pleased that one of their employees foamed at the mouth about how disabled children of all people “needed to learn to rely on themselves”. It was said in an extremely ableist context, although the fact that it was ableist was clear to most people to begin with off the top, so it should be no wonder that it was actually reported to the Human Relations department of his job. I mean, this sort of thing happens on social media now when people can’t keep their mouths shut about things…

Also, it’s Halloween today. Because we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and the majority of the populace seems to have forgotten about that, the kids will be sharing a two-pound bag of candy amongst themselves in the living room rather than going out Trick-or-Treating. I would have given it to them yesterday since that was when our city “had” Trick-or-Treating to avoid having it fall on a Sunday and a school night (but more so on the fact that it fell on a Sunday this year), but Monster was adamant that they wait to open the bag of candy until it was actually Halloween, and for some reason Bub went along with this rather than open the bag of candy himself and turn it into a fight that I would’ve had to break up. That still surprises me.

Well, I’m glad I got my money back on that.

About a month and… some change ago, I decided to order the Yuffie Kisaragi cape (what would you call this, anyway? a cape?) from AUScosplay. I knew that it would take about a month to get here, and I didn’t mind that because of how far out in advance I was intentionally placing the order. I wanted something that would cover me, and my arms and upper body, so that we could record video of us playing MMORPGs and video games without people becoming concerned about errant bruises left on me by accident from Bub’s meltdowns, and I figured that if I were wearing something stylish — something that I liked and wanted to wear anyway, were I to own it — it would cover those marks up without question. And it looked really nice.

So I patiently waited a month, hoping along the way that at some point AUScosplay would send me an e-mail with tracking or… well, actually ship the thing. But I got absolutely nothing from them at any point in the process. I sent several civil, polite e-mails inquiring about the status of my order and not a single e-mail was ever responded to. That rose several serious questions as to whether or not I would even get the item.

When the month mark came and gone and still no cape, I filed a complaint with PayPal since I had gone through them, indicating that I had not gotten what I had ordered and that I would like my money back since it had already been a month. They told me that I would have to wait until early November for a decision, but miraculously decided entirely in my favor three days into that, and I was refunded the full cost. I’m thinking that they might have done this to more than one person because of how quickly PayPal ruled in my favor…

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