Posts Tagged ‘life’

Forget all your fears and follow me.

Not too long ago, one of the stabilizers that was holding my closet rod broke, and my closet rod fell down in my closet because of that. So time had to be spent replacing the broken stabilizer and then hanging all of my clothes back up on the rod once all of the repairs were done — I took the time to throw away all of the clothes that I had gotten from my old college’s bookstore because I have no good memories left of attending said college. That freed up space in my closet for the clothes that I got as early Christmas presents, so even though I wish that my closet rod had never fallen down to begin with, the timing on that couldn’t actually have been better. I also took the time to clean and organize my closet, because I have to keep a lot of Bub’s items in my own closet since he has the proclivities to damage and tear books when not monitored… heh.

I am now beginning to buy Christmas presents, though. And I have the room to hide them in my closet.

Also, I am addicted to this song because Zoey 101 gave me so much life during its air.

I was so busy that it actually skipped my mind.

Part of me did want to give NaNoWriMo the “old college try”, as they say, but I became so busy during the month of November that it completely skipped my mind. At some point I do want to participate in it, though. Or, at the very least, compose an entire manuscript in a month’s time (or… approximately a month’s time).

I’m not sure if I covered it here or not, but I’ve been reunited with Fioricet to treat the most painful of migraines, and I’m finding that it works better than any triptan ever has… but the bar is low for that, because triptans do not work on me. I get most of the side effects from taking them, but I stopped getting substantial pain relief years ago. I feel like the local pain management clinic is taking me more seriously when I tell them which medications do not work on me at all as compared to which ones actually help, especially now that I’ve had two visits with them. Around here, you visit with them monthly once you’re an established patient.

In other news, I bought Bub Sackboy for the PlayStation 4 since actually being able to purchase a PlayStation 5 seems like it’s closer to an act of God. At one point, I had one in my Walmart cart ready to check out with it, but the site crashed so badly that by the time I could load my cart to check out, all of them had already been sold. This annoyed me quite a bit, and it continues to annoy me that Sony has mismanaged the pre-ordering of this console and the actual ordering of this console as badly as they have. I’d just like to be able to buy this without there being any massive hiccups along the way preventing me from doing so. But Bub is down for the LittleBigPlanet life, so he’s not going to mind what console it’s on as long as he can play it with me and it runs well. (Still, though, I would like to get my hands on a PlayStation 5…)

And I’m making a Christmas list for myself since the kids’ Christmas lists are more or less complete.

In “this doesn’t surprise me one bit”…

I put in an appeal as soon as my Twitter account was suspended, and Twitter still has not gotten to that appeal. They haven’t even sent me e-mails about the status of my appeal aside from the first one acknowledging that I sent in an appeal in response to my account’s suspension. One of my friends said that this happens a lot, that Twitter simply suspends accounts and does not make any effort to respond to appeal requests, essentially — no, completely — indefinitely ignoring them. That being said, I can see why people have found ways to circumvent account suspension by creating a new account with different contact details if Twitter is going to be this deceptive offering the opportunity to appeal one’s account suspension and then proceeding to do absolutely nothing about it. It reeks of absolute unprofessionalism, all of it does.

Facebook and Twitter do not seem to like leftist advocates, especially if they are AFAB (assigned female at birth) or are women. Conservative white men, especially religious conservative white men, can get away with anything on these sites and face absolutely no repercussions for their actions short of them blatantly being illegal or threatening. This is something that needs to change, even if the change commands or results in a new social networking site getting off of the ground, attracting that volume of people, and then not behaving in manners that Facebook and Twitter have. (And no, Parler is not the answer. It never will be.)

This should not surprise me, and yet it still does.

The school district actually opened their doors around here. Their rationale for opening back up a week before the slated date that they would allow parents and guardians to choose the “option” of sending their student(s) in for face-to-face instruction was their own negligence in not procuring enough laptops and wireless hotspots to meet the need of the actual student population who would need them, even though they had all summer to prepare for this. So their literal response, in the midst of a global pandemic, was to open school doors back up a week early. Some people’s motives, other than seeing the financial reasoning behind this because this district has never truly been about anything other than retaining access to federal funds to the most maximal amount possible, I will never understand… and as I get older, I get increasingly more fine with that because it’s not something that I can control, even if this has the potential to affect lives.

This district is still allowing parents and guardians to elect that their student(s) continue virtual schooling as though they are giving them a pittance, dangling a carrot in front of them, going, “See how nice we are!”.

I know people who are happy to have sent their children back to school… in the midst of a global pandemic.

I know people who are happy to “be able to go back to work” in the midst of a global pandemic.

The United States has dropped the ball handling this pandemic in every way imaginable and it really shows.

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