Posts Tagged ‘life’

Seriously, correct me if I am wrong here.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve heard that the Spanish translators of Supernatural are holding the line and have basically stated that they worked with what they were given… that, in other words, Dean reciprocated Castiel’s affections for him, at least in an earlier script. This wouldn’t surprise me if this were indeed the case though. It’s early 2021 and we still can’t tolerate having queer characters as main characters on television, let alone primetime, and especially without any queer characters being used to advance the plot like “oh, look, we actually wrote in someone who is marginalized!”. Will we ever see good representation in our lifetimes? I certainly hope so. And I intend on doing all that I can to advance that representation. BiPOC (how do you write that out again?), disabled, and queer characters need equal representation in works of media.

In other news, I’d been giving some things some thought. There have been people in my life that I had changed for, or tried to change for, at the cost of being myself — I didn’t dye my hair (even, and especially, unnatural colors), I didn’t have or wear cyberlox, I wasn’t an active member of any fandom, I didn’t feel like I could freely explore religion on my own terms… the list could go on, but those are the high points. And now that I am able to do all of those things, I feel free. Liberated. Like I am never going to go back from this or hide parts of myself like that again. All of this is even better when the rationale of “you’re a parent” comes into play like… hi? I can look how I want, dress how I want, and have the interests that I want separate from my identity as a parent? I am a fully formed person that has my own identity. I’m also a parent. Case closed.

That took nowhere near as long as anticipated.

Bub’s microSD is completely set up with no issue and he has all of the games that he currently owns on it!

Well, the digital ones.

I did get him some digital games when the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic was… being treated as more severe of a thing, a crisis, simply because I didn’t want to have to wait for them to come in the mail when there was bound to be a delay and could just as well switch Amazon orders from physical copies to digital copies. I did that until the mail was not quite as… delayed, at least on the end of games and other things actually being shipped out (“non-essentials”, and as a gamer I believe they are not a life-and-death thing).

In other news, I’ve been reunited with ten doses of Fioricet at two pills and twenty doses of Fioricet at one pill depending on how I take it. I try to take at least one as soon as I am aware that a migraine is actually just starting to become a migraine (“could this be a headache?”, no, never, not in my world), and I’ve gotten better at timing this. Not perfect, but I have gotten better at it. Since I now see the local pain management clinic for my migraine needs with my neurologist “on call” because she doesn’t feel comfortable co-treating unless absolutely necessary, I can work with them to coordinate being on the proper medications at the right doses and exploring things such as Botox. A few years ago, you wouldn’t have caught me dead consenting to be injected around the face and neck, let alone anywhere at all unless absolutely needed, but here we are.

If that ever actually happens I anticipate making sizable dents in my (our) gaming backlog, I really do.

Why must you do the thing, Nintendo Switch?

Or Internet?

Why must you do the thing, router?

Why must both of you do the thing in tandem?

I’ve had to babysit the Switch to ensure that everything does download, because as soon as there’s lag — and there invariably are spots of lag whenever the kids are playing on their WiFi-connected devices or there’s inclement weather — the Switch drops whatever it’s doing, and based on my observations of it, you have to manually set everything to resume downloading once that has happened. Luckily it managed to get half through our game collection before that happened, and since it’s at 100% power I am babysitting it through the rest of the way or as much through the rest of the way that I can before I go to bed for the night. If it’s still downloading games then, I’ll do what I did last night and set it up to automatically download while charging, hoping that it actually finishes the second time around. I have some hope for that as long as the Internet holds at the speed it’s at, but… not a whole lot of hope. I just want our games on a better microSD…

I mean, beggars can’t be choosers here, so…

It seems like a lot less people write in WordPress than they did in the 2000s.

I’m fine with that, though, because I enjoy using WordPress to write with.

I suppose it’s just a matter of finding other bloggers, especially ones that use WordPress (and it’s even better when it’s self-hosted WordPress!) and adding them to my blogroll, although even if they don’t use either one of those two things that’s fine too. I don’t write for anyone else but me, although that doesn’t mean that I don’t like reading what other people have to say and having a more active, robust blog than I do now in terms of comments. It seems like it’s a ghost town out there since, comparatively speaking, so few people blog openly like this. And that doesn’t go to mean that all of my posts will be open — once I get more readers, or enough readers, I might make password-protected posts in here, that way I don’t wind up locking everyone out whenever that time may be. I suppose I should figure out what those posts may be about, and consider coming up with a password or multiple passwords for these posts that aren’t really easy to guess…

I mean, that may be awhile out, but it’s better not to forget about the whole thing and scramble to work on it.

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