Posts Tagged ‘Atlas’

He held this game for an entire hour, folks.

Soon enough, Bub will get the psychiatric evaluation that is required to start the behavioral therapy that he was referred to. This just appears to be something that his insurance, and most insurances, require. Whatever they can get from him that they can use in this therapy to help him better manage his emotions, learn to convey overwhelming ones to caregivers so that they can get him help, and start to recognize (and act on) the beginnings of meltdowns so that he remains safe and those around him remain safe, I am all for. These were the reasons that he was referred for behavioral therapy anyway, although they are also things that I would really like him to work on as well. It’s just a matter of finding days that are available for the behavioral health… team, I guess, taking those, and then utilizing them, which I have done. We’re waiting on appointments to come.

In the interim, I got Shin Megami Tensei V to play with Bub, and he hugged the game for an entire hour.

Somebody’s going to be happy, as he always is, when we find and are capable of summoning Jack Frost…

Persona 5 Royal: DLC for the price of a whole game.

And because of brand loyalty and my child’s cute face, I’ve been suckered into buying it.

This did spawn a bit of an interesting discussion amongst people in a chat that I frequent (friends? I can call some of them friends): games that I play with Bub. I don’t mind playing some slightly higher rated games with him, seeing as how he’s autistic and internalizes a lot of the experiences much differently than a neurotypical child his age might. A lot of conventionally frightening things do not frighten him. In fact, many of them amuse him. Things that “go bump in the night” don’t bother him one bit. Zombies make him laugh. Although I take care not to play particularly bloody or violent games with him because those games tend to bother me as much as the idea of playing them with him bothers me, there are certain games that may carry a slightly higher rating that I don’t mind playing with him on my lap or beside me, although that depends on the specific game itself… I put a lot of research into games before making the decision to play them with him. For instance, I care more about games that have characters heavy into cigarette or drug use. I care more about games with plots that involve child abuse or child death. Among the Sleep might be the only game to date that I have banned in our household for reasons having to do with plot. But Persona? I don’t mind that.

Well, except for the bit about “DLC for the price of a whole game”. I minded that, let me tell you. I really did.

But let me tell you, I wish that the DLC for this had been released as just that: separate DLC, and not for the full cost of a game. I feel like this makes those who plays Persona 5 play twice for it just for the DLC, and I feel like that penalizes the biggest fans of the game and the series… the ones you want to keep coming back.

Lost Dimension

This was actually one of the first games that I played on the Vita, having received it so long ago that off of the top of my mind, I’m not exactly sure what holiday I received it for… that’s how long the Vita’s been around for (and how many games that we have for the Vita, although I don’t intend on saying anything bad about the Vita when I say that, having already made mention in a previous post to how the Vita is one of our favorite consoles for a number of reasons). It was also one that I played with Bub, that he enjoyed as well.

It managed to combine so many parts of our favorite game mechanics and genres into one without making it seem like it was forcing anything in, and I do have to point that out almost from the start of this review. It’s an action-adventure game (you’re scaling a tower, and fighting enemies as you do so), a classic who-done-it (because you’re scaling the tower with complete strangers, and some of them are enemies working with the game’s final boss against you, and you have to figure out who those are and vote them out one at a time on each floor of the tower based on the clues that you obtain), and it has maximum replayability because the game’s “traitors” are chosen at random at the start of each playthrough, meaning that you have to do the work of finding out all over again who the traitors are with each playthrough. And because each of your teammates have special powers, sometimes this means that the traitor you have to sacrifice at each floor’s pit stop might be someone with a particularly advantageous power that would otherwise make the subsequent floors easier to get through, but… you have to do what you have to do. The character that you control has the ability to “read minds” — that’s the easiest way that I can word it without spoiling too much of the game’s actual plot mechanics — and this is how he is able to “read people” and figure out their true intentions, and figure out whether or not they are traitors. It involves a clever mini-game that you can play to figure out their intentions, and one that I strongly encourage playing as often as possible to confirm things.

Over the course of our first playthrough, we ambled through it with the intention of picking it back up at some point and getting it right, and we only managed to get two wrong, which should really say something. If you get any of them “wrong” (don’t manage to eliminate traitors before you get to the top of the tower), you have to fight them in addition to the final boss), which does make the final boss more difficult, but not entirely impossible if you’ve managed to gear up properly. This is in comparison to other difficult final bosses.

All in all, I would recommend this game to anyone who is looking for an action-adventure “who done it?”.