Archive of ‘television shows’ category

They really can not leave a good thing alone.

On the fifth, “Destiel Day” came and went. People celebrated the fact that Destiel (Castiel and Dean Winchester) actually became a thing by virtue of the episode “Despair” — known as “The Truth” for the longest time until the CW changed the name of the episode — airing. Several hashtags came about on Twitter as a result of it, and a good time was had by the majority of people… those, of course, being the individuals who ship Dean Winchester with his brother (“Wincest”). Not being willing to let others be happy celebrating a ship that they personally do not like, it seems that they are going to celebrate the anniversary of the series finale where one of the main characters dies a traumatic death… and that’s what they like about the final episode. They also enjoy shoving scenes from this episode, and this part of the episode, into the faces of people who are actively avoiding it and do not consent to that. (And for the life of me, I will never get why they celebrate — let alone like — when the traumatic death of that character plays out, but that may just be me. I’ve looked down that barrel in real life and I’ve walked away from it. It may be that for me.)

Also, Walker is airing its second season… coming in at a 0.1 rating for two of two episodes. That is awful.

At this point I am more than content with my decision not to actively watch any more of the CW’s shows.

So I finally put Windows 11 on this computer, and…

It’s been an experience.

I also had 64GB of RAM put into it, which maxes it out, because I was thinking that if I maxed it out all I would have to do would be to open it up one time and that was that. Everything else seemed good enough… that is, until I looked at how much free hard drive space I had left (on an SSD, of all things) and realized that Windows 11 took up more hard drive space than I had originally anticipated even though I had enough to install it and have enough to run it. I’ve been removing some unnecessary apps that I don’t ever use, which has freed up some space on it, but I never thought I would have to do that on a gaming rig of all things. Before installation of Windows 11, I had roughly 100GB of free space, which wasn’t bad given the size of my hard drive. Now, with a lot of effort, I have nearly 50GB. For the life of me I am still trying to figure out what caused this sharp reduction in free hard drive space… other than, of course, the most obvious, Windows 11.

I also kept tabs on the Supernatural convention that took place in Denver, and that too was an experience. I can see why people have now begun to block Jared Padalecki on Twitter for their own personal mental health. I have never seen someone so expertly invalidate queerness in so few words in my lifetime, and I don’t think I will again because least of all I am not going to tune into anything else that Jared Padalecki headlines. I don’t think I should even have been surprised given that this is Jared we’re discussing, but still… I am. Just a bit. The bar was the floor and I still manage to be a bit surprised every time he reaches a new low.

As my friend quipped, you can still be a part of a fandom without letting certain parts of it abuse you.

I’ve never been much of a fan of cop shows…

I may be one of the few Texans who… doesn’t like Walker (I didn’t even like the original while I was growing up, and I feel like that should say something), but it still managed to evade me for several days that Jensen Ackles is apparently going to direct an episode of Walker, which Jared Padalecki stars in. But to be honest, I’ve never really liked anything stereotypically “Texan” anyway, and it’s not out of a willful desire to reject everything that this state is even though there are some things that I really don’t agree with it on. It’s still up in the air whether I’m even going to get into The Boys since Ackles will join the cast as of season three — this upcoming season — as I don’t follow favorite actors of mine to new works (or even visit older ones) unless that would have been something that I would have liked in the first place. I’m just choosy like that.

Part of it may stem from the fact that extended exposure to light sources does give me migraines, so I have to compensate for it in ways such as taking pain medication as appropriate — Fioricet, which I try to take only as needed because it still does help to a greater extent than other medications have and I don’t want to lose that and have to try to find an equally as suitable medication that is not it — and wearing sunglasses indoors. I actually have two pairs of sunglasses dependent on the Sort of Day™ I am having. One has darker, more amber-colored lenses, and the other has slightly lighter, rose-colored lenses that I am hoping will allow me to be able to wear them more, shield my eyes, and shield my brain, because the darker the lens (and the more helpful it actually is, as it’s turned out), the more difficult it can be to do certain things wearing them.

Another thing I’m not big on: Texan Republicans — men — literally trying to mansplain my disabilities to me.

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