Archive of ‘television shows’ category

This could completely have been prevented.

Their family came down with COVID-19 following Gen and Jared jetsetting maskless in Italy.

This could completely have been avoided, but they didn’t even wear masks in all of the pictures they took of them having as much fun in Italy as they did… well, until they came down with COVID-19. Are you kidding?!

It gets worse… we have antis in our fandom, y’all.

Every time I end a subject with “y’all” on here we appear to go on a wild ride, so buckle up.

There are some people who are, for lack of a better way to put it, “against” the Hellers (they ship w*ncest, or worse, which I will write a separate post about), and their interactions with Hellers make it extremely clear. Some of them seek Hellers out on social media to let them know how they feel about their preferred ship — Castiel and Dean Winchester — and some of them do not let up interacting with Hellers when Hellers continually state that they do not want to be interacted with in such a manner and that they would like the conversation to end. That, and these antis (which I’m going to call them until I find a better way to describe them) circulate block lists amongst themselves of Hellers, which sometimes hilariously results in people being blocked, finding out that they were blocked, and having never interacted with the person in question.

If someone states that they wish not to be interacted with, be a decent human being and respect it.

And although I can’t believe that I actually have to state this, gleaning someone’s social media profile does not mean that you intimately know them, so please stop behaving as though scrolling through their Twitter timeline means that you know them on a deeply personal level. (Also, an anti decided to lie to Twitter and state that I had posted self-harm or suicidal content on my Twitter timeline when I had done no such thing. Twitter went through my timeline and confirmed that no such content was there. So on top of not leaving you alone when you repeatedly ask them to, they lie. Given the nature of this fandom, this is unsurprising.)

I know I mentioned some of this already, but still.

Based on Genevieve Padalecki’s Instagram stories, we’ve come to learn that she caught COVID-19.

Her husband and her spent the better part of how long jetsetting maskless in Italy, though? They behaved as though there was absolutely no pandemic going on. We also know that Jared himself has not been wearing a mask when he should have been, when he was in close contact with various fans of his work, and to a point in Texas of all places where the Delta variant is absolutely raging. As much as I wish Gen well and hope that she does not spread it to her husband or other members of their family, such as their children who are all too young to be vaccinated, I feel like a lot of this could have been avoided if they had waited to go to Italy until the pandemic was well and truly over, or even if they had consistently worn masks, especially while in Italy. I feel like a lot of things that could have been avoided — or, at the very least, mitigated — by adhering to advice given from reputable agencies and following proper safety protocols, but the ball seemed to be dropped on absolutely all ends. It really does seem like some people think that getting vaccinated (and being in comparatively good health) will completely prevent you from coming down with COVID-19, and this is definitely not the case, especially with the Delta variant as contagious as it is. It seems to be virulent, too.

As someone for whom COVID-19 infection could potentially be tragic, reading about all of this from the vantage point that I have has been incredibly frustrating, to say the least. I avoid crowds. I shop online when I can, migraines from extended electronic use being damned since COVID-19 infection would be a lot worse for me. I wear a face mask as needed. My oldest son consistently wears a face mask now as needed, and my youngest son has made progress keeping one on his face for longer periods. We all use hand sanitizer as needed, and we don’t take trips outside of the house unless we have to. Have so many people really forgotten that we are in the midst of a pandemic, or is it only the chronically ill and/or disabled people and their families who remember? Because given recent events in general, I would really, really like to know…

The curious case of the Jarpad stans, y’all.

Over my course of… being active in the Supernatural fandom, I’ve come to notice a bit of a division — namely the extremely enthusiastic fans of Jared Padalecki (Sam), or as some people like to call them, Jarpad fans/stans. They are a lot more enthusiastic over anything and everything Jared does as compared to fans of Jensen (the “Ackles Army”) or even fans of Misha Collins. As far as they are concerned, Jared Padalecki can do no wrong, especially when he has done wrong… there’s always another explanation for it. They ignore the fact that Jared has doxxed people going on the benders that he started to become known for in 2015, giving enough specific information about businesses and companies that he felt (or feels) has wronged him that the identities of individual employees have been divulged, even if it came with a bit of detective work. They ignore the fact that Jared goes on these benders to begin with, never apologizes, and has gone on these benders for years. The most recent one is the “et tu, brute?” one when he was not in the loop about the Supernatural prequel, galvanized his army of stans and had them raging at anyone and everyone even remotely involved in the fact that he — as someone who currently has nothing at all to do with the show — was not “kept in the loop”. He only “apologizes”, which is once in a blue moon to begin with, after his army has done substantial damage… and he knows exactly what he is doing. He is a grown adult. It is obvious that he knows exactly what effect his words, and galvanization, have on people. It bothers me quite a bit.

And, I mean, there’s the public intoxication bit and the drunken bar brawl Jared had, although we still don’t know if his drink was spiked and this caused him to behave in the manner he did (although he literally tried to evade arrest by flashing cash at the cops, I will mention that much, because that is 100% Jared there).

Don’t even get me started on the maskless jetsetting that he and his wife did to Italy, either.

There is clearly a problem within our fandom, and it is the behavior of the J1/Jarpad stans. I rest my case.

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