The sequel to “it gets worse”, my last fandom wank.

Some of you may think that for ethical, legal, and moral reasons, shipping Sam Winchester with his brother is… yeah. (And to be fair, that is a rational response. I am not going to try to take that away from anyone.)

But it gets… worse.

As much as I try not to judge people for their pairings, what they do, and how they think of and about fandom, this is where I draw the line as someone who does not ship either of these things — on a personal level, like, please do not talk to me about either of these things, but especially do not talk to me about the last one if that makes any sense. This is the one thing in this fandom that I can not stand hearing about…

There is what is called weec*st, and I am censoring it for a reason.

It involves shipping Sam and Dean Winchester when they are at varying ages below the age of consent.

Sometimes markedly below.

Some of the most vocal w*ncest shippers are also unashamed shippers of this ship as well, and they are quite vocal about it. Therein lies the actual problem, too. Hellers (people who ship Castiel and Dean Winchester who have reclaimed use of the term “Destiheller”, shortening it) are nowhere near as vocal about their preferred ship even though they may share things related to it on various social media sites. They just don’t get in your face demanding that you prefer it, or even give it the time of day. Most of the Hellers that I have encountered abide by the “live and let live” philosophy, which I can’t say that I don’t agree with.

I just can’t help but wish that this particular part of the fandom weren’t so vocal and as in your face about it.

If you seriously have to ask “is *ncest legal in my state or country” though, that’s where the problems start.

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