Archive of ‘personal’ category

This was not as fun as it had originally sounded.

Having made the decision to switch over to, I’ve since decided to switch back to the official servers.

For some reason, the other game modes (Jester, Troll) were not working for me as well as I had hoped they would. I’ve heard that there are other private servers out there, and I’ve been reading up on them in my spare time. I’d like to play on something that runs similarly to the server that Disguised Toast and his friends use. There also seemed to be the problem of the connection dropping more for me on that server than it ever really has on the official servers, but I can’t help but hold out hope that the official servers incorporate some of the roles that other people have come up with and coded into their own servers for play. One can hope…

I’ve also been getting rid of some things on this computer to save space because I have Bub’s Steam games on this computer. Regrettably, I chose to get rid of Ragnarok Online to ensure that he would continue to have optimal room to play them with me, and it’s not a decision that I regret… especially since my interest in Ragnarok Online literally waxes and wanes, and right now it is at a lull. Maybe if I can figure out how to save space on this computer, more space than I’m already saving, I can find some way to get it back on here and still have an amount of free space that is beneficial to us and that is something that I am comfortable with.

I need to come up with better subject lines.

I need my optometrist to… do whatever it is that they have to do to continue seeing me as a patient, because apparently the whole thing changed hands and they have to recertify with each of the major insurance providers that they had formerly certified with, or however you actually word that. I’ve been meaning to get my eyes tested for months, but this has been the one monkey wrench in the plan. I’m pretty sure that I am no longer seeing 20/20 with my glasses, finding it more difficult to see what’s on my computer screen and having to squint at it with glasses on some of the time. And I’m not even on prednisone right now, either!

I’m still waiting to hear back on whether or not my insurance has approved Botox treatments for my migraines, or even steroid shots since my new diagnosis will allow those. But since my last visit with my pain management clinic was a TeleHealth consult because of the severe winter storms that hit around here at this time last month, I… don’t exactly have the highest of hopes that this will come through before I’m actually the skeleton from the skeleton meme. I would have asked about it then, but it was the nurse practitioner who did the TeleHealth consult with me, and she has to consult with the doctor before she can make any changes to my treatment plan… or sometimes even answer a whole lot of in-depth questions that she may not initially, or originally, have the answers to. So I’m content, or as content as I can be, to wait until my next visit to inquire about that. Ideally, I am approved for both of them and we just go on from there…

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