Archive of ‘personal’ category

The state of affairs is clearly a lot of opinions.

Good news: My gum infection hasn’t managed to spread any further, and is currently being… managed, for lack of a better way to put it. Come to find out that being on the amount of medication that I’ve been on for asthma has more or less always irritated my gums, but now it’s become a bit more noticeable to me. However, brushing my teeth at the frequency that I have and using mouthwash as liberally as I have (“the purple kind”, too) has only helped matters out. My gums do not like the current state of affairs of anything.

However, the prognosis is better than I had originally thought it was, which is comforting.

Not-quite-so-good news: I’m not managing to stay off of prednisone during this pandemic, although I am making a considerably more concerted effort to do so. If I could stay off of prednisone long-term, that would be great, but that is not where we are at right now, and I suppose that has a lot to do with why my gums do not like the current state of affairs of anything. (Symbicort does as well.) My lungs are having as many opinions on issues as my gums are, although those are more noticeable because lungs are larger than gums and they are my lungs. I’ve also grown weary of explaining to people why certain groups of people can, and should, wear masks with exhale valves… you know, the ones who will not have asymptomatic periods if they are exposed to COVID-19 and actually catch it, who need to be protected from catching the virus more than they need to protect others from catching it from them, but I digress here, I do. It’s a lot of complex science…

Bub now has Super Mario 3D All-Stars, and I’ve pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077! Two worthwhile purchases.

Shit Satanists Actually Say, volume one.

Them: Satanic canals are planning on world domination and ritual abuse and sacrifice.

Satanists: Which Buffy universe is better.”

Quoted from a friend as they were debating Buffy in a Discord chat.

“Because Satan gives us eternal life through Lucifer Morningstar, the true believer is secure in that salvation for eternity. If you have been genuinely saved, you cannot “lose” it. Salvation is maintained by the grace and power of Satan, not by the self-effort of the Satanist.

It is the grace and keeping power of Satan that gives us this security.”

This was a friend putting Satan in place of God and Jesus ripping a church bulletin… or whatever you call it.

“If I’m a Satanist but I can’t be “unsaved” does that mean I can fistfight God when I die?”

Another friend.

The moral is that we’re not as bad of a lot as people think we are. But peculiar, some of us, loud and proud.

I love having to troubleshoot our Internet…

So our Internet decided to go out for reasons that I don’t know, although that happens to be a random thing with our ISP. The only reason that we even have this Internet service provider is because they have a monopoly in our area and because they are the only one that truly offers unlimited bandwidth… and this is extremely useful when you have two autistic children using it who love to spend time watching YouTube videos on their iPads. We would have considered switching to another service provider awhile ago were it not for the monopoly that they clearly hold in this area and the whole unlimited bandwidth thing, because there have actually been points when we have been fed up enough with their service to begin to explore other options. Fortunately, I have an Internet hotspot on my phone for when things like this happen… but it would be great if our Internet did not randomly do this and would be more reliable as a whole, you know?

Who knows, though. Maybe this Internet service provider will be so crappy that we actually do switch, heh.

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