Archive of ‘computer gaming’ category

So I’ve tentatively been streaming wirelessly!

I’ve been streaming wirelessly on Twitch, and I’m gearing up to become an affiliate once I meet all of the criteria. When that will be, though, I’m not quite sure — I just have to meet the requirement of average concurrent views (I have no problem nailing the rest of them), and mine are all over the place. I have been meeting some awesome people through networking my Twitch account though, and that has been awesome! At some point I do intend on having the gaming PC hardwired into the modem so we don’t have to worry about dropped frames or anything like that, and I’ve been looking into what I’ll need to have here at the house to make that happen. I was also given the recommendation to post about Twitch on TikTok (10/4, can do) because Twitch makes it hard for people to discover people that they would like to watch on Twitch. Most, if not all, of people’s discoverability comes from outside sources, and I’ve been posting about my streams on Facebook and Twitter. I do honestly wish that Twitch had better native, on-board discoverability.

I have surprisingly made a lot of progress here!

I’ve managed to get past all of the problems that this computer has presented me with so far!

I figured out that the monitor needed a DVI-D cable to DVI-D cable to connect to the desktop, so I went ahead and got one of those since the person who sold me the monitor only sent a VGA cable along with it, and… almost. I mean, they tried. At any rate, I got everything hooked up via USB that needs to be hooked up, and all peripherals appear to be functional. Twitch Studio continues to give me a bit of shit “testing” streaming out, but when I look at the raw stats from the GPU encoder and the computer’s equivalent of an encoder I’m liking what I’m seeing a lot more than I was on the All-in-One computer that we admirably tried to get to stream. (And by that I simultaneously mean “failed miserably to”, especially if you were watching.)

Now all I have to do is reauthenticate ownership of these games we own and I should be almost done!

If it’s not one thing around here, it’s another…

I seem to oscillate between people thinking I am “not severely disabled” and can hold down a conventional job to people thinking that I am so disabled I can’t work at all, and I’ve seen this oscillation happen between a day or two at the least. It’s almost like whiplash. And it’s almost always from able-bodied people, too.

In other news, the cord that I needed to set the gaming computer up has arrived and is functional! I just need to get the Wi-fi adapter that came with the computer to work because it is not working for some reason… all I have to do is get this oe thing fixed and I can begin loading the new computer (which will take some time, and will probably cause no shortage of migraines). That said, I’m getting back to work on loading this thing.

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