Archive of ‘computer gaming’ category

We’ve finally solved the problem, so let’s do this.

I’ve resumed streaming now that the gaming PC is hardwired straight into the modem! Now that there is a more direct connection to the Internet, I only had ten or eleven slow frames… not five hundred (or worse, more) like I had been getting some of the time, which is great. I can and will definitely take that. Streaming at 720p was almost effortless, as were following Twitch Studio’s recommendations based on the computer that I was on and what my bandwidth and Internet speeds were. I tested it out with Among Us, and in the coming days and weeks I’m going to start (almost) all of the games over that I had been attempting to stream wirelessly so that I can get more hours out of streaming them on the computer that is currently hardwired to the modem. I’ve also been continuing to finagle with the Steam Deck setting certain buttons to certain actions in… certain games so that they are more playable, although I am seriously impressed with Valve’s level of commitment to making games optimally compatible with it, resulting in me having to let sometimes up to twenty games update each morning when I turn the thing on. Good times, am I right…

Maybe I’ll get Twitch Affiliate sooner than I had originally anticipated. At any rate, let’s finally do this, folks!

I intend on getting back to streaming soon!

My gaming computer (or, as I like to call it, our gaming computer) is hardwired, as I’ve mentioned!

Download speeds are almost phenomenal at this point, especially when they are compared to previous speeds, and upload speeds are so much more stable. I’m looking forward to resuming streaming soon, although I need to figure out whether or not I want to restart games to have more streaming hours with them streaming them from the beginning or… not. I know that was a mouthful. And I do know that I want to add some games to the assortment of games that I’m already streaming, one of which being Cuphead complete with DLC. Not only do I like it — it may be extremely difficult, but it’s adorable, so I put up with it in spite of that — but one of my friends who tries as hard as he can to watch my streams in spite of being in a different time zone (Freeza, -2 hours from me) likes it, so I figured… why not? If repeated deaths annoy me too much I can always take a break from it and play other games until I’m ready to pick it back up, whenever that date may be. I don’t need to burn myself out on something I like that I want to make into something…

None of this should surprise me at this point.

For some reason, I’ve been lagging for the better part of the day. Some of that could be due to the fact that the kids have been using their devices — namely watching videos on them, which doesn’t surprise me at all given that it’s the middle of the summer right now and isn’t something that bothers me one bit — but it could also be due to the fact that it’s been raining here off and on for the better part of the afternoon, and… our ISP has never really been the best to begin with even though it’s the only one in this area that offers unlimited bandwidth. However, one of the great things is that I should be looking at having our gaming PC hardwired in the coming days! I have everything that I need to actually do the hardwiring, so all that’s left is to actually hardwire it into the modem and then we should be able to enjoy low to no latency and minimal to no packet drops while gaming and streaming. Everything else is set up to where gaming and streaming should not at all be a hassle going forward, for which I’m thankful because I do not need nor do I want to give myself unnecessary migraines. I’ve already gotten most of the major work out of the way over several months…

And in a move that should surprise absolutely no one, I got a Facebook post block again that I can’t appeal.

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