November 2023 archive

It’s only been two days and I literally love this.

So for those of you who don’t already know, I was gifted an Apple Watch for Christmas that is better capable of measuring my heart rhythms and keeping track of my breathing rate than my… what was it? Fitbit? FitBit Versa? However you spell, or write, that. At any rate, when it’s not charging it’s on my wrist, and I love how much better the metrics are at… well, keeping track of my metrics. This is a great baseline to be able to give my care team, especially since I’m still pending referral to cardiology (something that should’ve been done years ago with my concerning symptoms that mimicked bronchial asthma and family history).

I’ll get to taking pictures of it on my wrist in the coming days or weeks. I’ve definitely screenshot the EKGs that it’s taken from me. It says that it only records risk of atrial fibrillation — all of them say this — but I’ve gotten better at reading the results of the EKGs that it’s done on me, that have been done on me by doctors, so I have a better idea of what to look for and what some of the… problems might be. I just love this thing.

I mean, can’t we technically call this a life update?

Through… making the connections on Facebook that I seem to nearly fall into, I manage the “official” Wisp the Cat account on Twitter, and I am happy to do so (especially as evidenced by this “proud cat mom” post)!

Literally named haswisppooped, it lets people on Twitter know about her health.

I’m glad this is going in the direction that it is.

Regarding the “non-profit” that I mentioned in the most recent post to this, her state’s Attorney General has taken over a lot of the investigation because she got so many donations that she did not use for their intended purposes that she can be charged with fraud. Donations are, however, pouring in to the actual rescue that took all of the surviving cats from her property when they were retrieved, and that is exactly how it should be. As stated, the woman in the case was able to bail herself out yesterday pending arraignment — she laugh reacted a few comments people made in horror about what she had done in the name of her “non-profit rescue charity” (which was screenshot), then began to massively delete things and go into hiding. This shouldn’t become something that she can just walk or run away from, especially if that means moving to a new state, changing the name that she goes by, and lying like this again to get folks to donate.

That said, I continue to be glad that her state’s Attorney General is taking this matter seriously.

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