August 2023 archive

Bub had his thirteenth well visit done yesterday!

I managed to get a lot of really nice pictures of him (since when do I not take nice pictures of the kids, though? like, in general?), he grew the several inches that I had completely and entirely predicted, and everything went smoothly. Everything has been going smoother for him since he started guanfacine and Risperdal, and the doses of both of those were fine-tuned to be both low and maximally therapeutic for him.

Stuff. Things. Lots of stuff with lots of things.

The coughing from the beta blocker has all but gone away! That’s the good part of this post, anyway.

The bad news (or news that is supposed to be bad, anyway) seems to be that the beta blocker is no longer working to bring down my blood pressure and pulse, although I am fortunate in that I don’t feel the squeezing of the chest sensations that I did leading up to seeking care for it. One can hope that I’m able to get in to see the cardiologist in a few weeks, I’m taken off of metoprolol anyway — even though I can finally spell metoprolol now — and am put on something better that works better that doesn’t risk making my albuterol not work or cause other tremendously unwanted side effects. (And coughing for weeks to the point that one has effectively lost their voice for around a week counts as a tremendously unwanted side effect.)

Bub has his thirteenth well visit with the pediatrician today, and then we have less appointments for awhile!

I’d just like to be on safer medication, please.

For the most part, the coughing seems to have resolved itself.

However, it doesn’t seem like the beta blocker that I was prescribed for the heart issues that are finally being taken seriously is working… at all, because my blood pressure and pulse on metoprolol is now for the most part what it was before I even began metoprolol. But since I don’t acutely feel the “squeezing” that was going on in my chest — the squeezing that had, and has, nothing to do with anxiety because early-onset heart problems are extremely heritable on my mother’s side of the family — I’ll chalk that up to a narrow win and continue to bide my time waiting for my cardiology referral and primary care physician’s request for more detailed testing to go through, hoping that it goes through sooner rather than later to change this med.

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