August 2023 archive

I don’t really know how else to word this.

The links may be long, but I am in support of the sentiment that at least tries to root cheaters out of multiplayer games. It’s a little more tolerable if you do whatever you want on your own time, provided that you don’t absolutely break the game, but streaming or competing for something and using cheats is where I draw the line. People make content and watch streamers to watch how they themselves actually play, even if they’re not too good at it. I’d actually rather see someone be bad at a game than openly cheat like this…

I just felt like I would mention this in here…

Yesterday I saw posts on Facebook wishing the Power Rangers franchise’s Pua Magasiva a happy late birthday… you know, the Red Ranger from Ninja Storm. (I’ll get to watching more seasons, I swear.)

For those of you who don’t already know, the actor behind Ninja Storm‘s Red Ranger committed suicide as a result of his domestic violence convictions becoming public knowledge, as the name suppression order he’d wanted to keep on them expired and the judge overseeing the case refused to renew it. This happened in 2019, and every year since then Power Rangers fans have wished him a happy birthday each year when his birthday rolls around. I don’t feel like celebrating anything that has to do with him as much as I feel like forgetting about him, and letting him remain forgotten, due to being a domestic violence survivor. This is, and always has been, different from the tragic circumstances surrounding Jason David Frank’s death. I’ll get around to watching Ninja Storm, but I really do not want to hear about Pua Magasiva in a positive light.

I got a whole lot of nice pictures of Bub.

Meanwhile, I am coughing much less than I had been… but I did cough to the point where I did something to one of my ribs over on my left side. I’ve been taking cough and pain medication as needed. I’m hoping that it’s nothing more than injury to the muscle and not injury to the actual bone. That would somehow be me…

At any rate, Bub did well! He is taller than me, but that is an absolute no-brainer as I am just under five feet tall. Every adult but one of them is, and has been, taller than me. It’s a rite of passage and is a fact of life.

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