Lists with bullet points are fun. Why not use them?

· I found out that I’m related to an author through Ancestry, so I sent them a message
· an actual mask mandate was codified in my state by the governor, which surprised me in a good way
· the local school district was prevented from starting in-person instruction until at least Labor Day
· I was unblocked by the local school district on social media after I mentioned to a news agency while a livestream was going with the superintendent, which everyone saw, that the local school district had blocked me after I had voiced concerns about their enthusiasm to open school doors in the face of a global pandemic, flouting CDC recommendations regarding continued closure… the district was actually extremely quick to unblock me after I stated this in a livestream comment, which equally amused and bothered me

I am also looking forward to the idea of a second economic impact payment (“coronavirus check”), especially if I wind up getting one faster than the first one, which took absolutely forever for them to get around to getting me. As with the last one, I will mention purchases that I make with it as I make them. But it will all depend on exactly when I actually get this second economic stimulus payment as to what I actually get, so…

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