Something that I want to do at some point.

Since I have a copy of all major Bibles here in the house (and various… study guides, and supplementary materials, that go along with them), I want to actually take the time to read all of them cover to cover. Whenever the time does come that I actually commit to that and start it, I want to post about it here — I’m not sure when I’ll schedule the posts, as I’ve begun to get back into the habit of scheduling some posts to go out in advance, although it would be ironic if I scheduled some of these posts to go out on Sunday mornings.

Although it is said, and is generally true, that non-believers have read more of and know the Bible(s) more than their believing and worshiping counterparts, I want to go one(, two, or three…) further. I can see this actually causing migraines, having to read and stomach the contents of these — with the exception of LaVey’s The Satanic Bible and counterparts — although I already know in advance that it’s not going to convert me anywhere else other than to more fortified Satanism. I’ll post more about it here when I’ve committed to a starting date to this and have begun to plan out in what order I will read what “holy” text.

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