Since I have the chance to post before bed…

I would be gaming more if I didn’t have… well, migraines. But the good news is that I see my neurologist at the end of the month to get refills on the medications of mine that need refills, and I tell him which medications of mine are no longer therapeutic and no longer work in the hopes that my medication regimen can be altered to make them more therapeutic. I already know that for reasons that I will be mentioning in this blog later, as soon as we can have it ordered and insurance approves it, I will be wearing an ambulatory EEG — my goal is to wear it “until we catch what we need to catch”, so I’m hoping that insurance actually lets me do that. I’ve never done an ambulatory EEG, and what we need to come up I don’t want to have hide.

I’m hoping that the pandemic doesn’t stall insurance approval of that request, and that my new Medicaid HMO actually approves that request. There’s also the possibility of having another CT scan done with contrast, which my neurologist had been wanting my old Medicaid HMO to do for awhile that they kept arbitrarily denying for the most asinine of reasons even though the first CT scan that was done under my first neurologist actually found something that she (and now, my new neurologist, since she decided not to come back to work after maternity leave) wanted to follow up with… I mean, if the initial CT scan actually found something one might think that insurance would approve a CT scan with contrast to find out more about it, and quite possibly subsequent scans to follow it, but my old Medicaid HMO was arbitrarily denying all subsequent requests for more than the initial scan, which was just absurd. So I guess we will see how this goes if my current neurologist decides to put in a request for another scan, assuming he didn’t give up there.

In the interim, I have noticed that we are actually running low in space on our microSD card, although I don’t want to take that out because our Animal Crossing game is on that and I don’t want to run the risk of corrupting our save data given that we have gotten fairly far in that game. I have heard horror stories…

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