Posts Tagged ‘religion’

I never took a picture of these until now, so…

These are the two tomes that I own. One of them has lines in them and the other does not. They are made, or manufactured, by a Satanist that I really admire whose goods I already own some of, so having these around has been awesome. I’m actually excited to own one of each of both tomes in addition to the ritual book that I already own, that I’ve owned for awhile. Now it feels like I have one of everything in a good way.

My first “pull” from the intentions deck that I own.

To test this deck out, I decided to pull just one card from it to see what it would say… and to give me a chance to read the backs of the cards as well. I do have to say that I was pleasantly surprised in the best way by the quality of this deck and the card that I pulled. I’m glad that this is the intention deck that I own.

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