Posts Tagged ‘life’

The abundance of “autism moms” on the Internet.

I don’t know if it’s because of the… faux pas in grammar that this bothers me so much or the fact that they are taking their child’s diagnosis, attempting to wrap themselves up in it, and live vicariously through their child in spite of the fact that many of them claim to “hate autism” and exhibit obvious disdain for their child’s neurology, but there’s always been something about the phrase “autism mom” and “autism dad” that bothers me, even though the title gives away the fact that there seem to be a lot more “autism moms” on the Internet than there are “autism dads”. Sometimes I like to call it exactly what it is though… “assholes who try to live vicariously through their child” (since almost no other diagnosis has parents who come up with monikers like this to the point that this is a thing, and I will take correction if I am wrong), “people who claim to love their children but hate their child’s neurology, which is a fundamental part of their child”, and “people who hate their children so much that they want to cure their child, which would then give them a completely different child” — oh, pardon me, I must be running off a bit at the mouth again. That’s a thing that I do, heh.

Anyway, points to ponder:
Are you a mom? A dad? Are you autistic? Great! You are an autism mom or an autism dad!
Are you not autistic? Sucks to be you. You are not an autism mom. You are not an autism dad.

Your child’s identity is not your identity, although attempting to find a community similar to your own (“parents of autistic children”) is not a bad thing. Admitting that you may have struggles due to your child’s behavior is one thing. Attempting to martyr yourself due to your child’s struggles for attention is different, and is one of many reasons that autistic adults do not trust many neurotypical parents of autistic children.

Remember, though, that your child’s autism is fundamentally linked to who they are.

You can not “hate autism” without hating core, unchangeable components of who your child is.

We would do this if it weren’t for the pandemic…

…and if it weren’t for me being so high-risk if I did contract it, but also, the pandemic.

We meaning me and Bub, enjoyably walking this over the time span of however long it actually took.

Why does this have to happen during a global pandemic that will probably still be here in October?!

It’s honestly like more and more people are forgetting that we are still in the throes of a global pandemic, and they are becoming more fast and loose not adhering to safety guidelines to keep themselves safe and prevent themselves from becoming infected with the virus. This is exactly why the United States can’t have nice things. We’re out here planning marathons while a global pandemic is going on. This really bothers me.

This is why other countries are starting to “get over” the pandemic and why it is still booming in our country.

I still don’t exactly like this doctor, to be honest.

I’m beginning to wonder if my (now third, and me changing them like I have has not been because I have wanted to) neurologist doesn’t remember anything at all about her patients and has to ask them the same questions because she doesn’t remember anything about them for… whatever reason, or it’s part of her doing intake to ask them the same question about the frequency and severity of their symptoms for whatever reason. At any rate, being reassured that I do not seem to be exhibiting medication overuse headache from any combination of medications that I have been on must have been reassuring to her, or it might have been the equivalent of “egg on your face”, at least if she’s the kind of person to accept humility. I’m not sure yet. She seems to think that olanzapine has been contributing to my weight gain more than lisinopril has, but given the history of me exhibiting the peculiar side effects to medications whenever I do exhibit side effects to them (is this a ginger thing? is this a me thing? could be both, could be synonymous), now she’s open to taking me off of the lisinopril at some point… but wants to give me the choice of continuing with the olanzapine because it has been effective single-dosing at ameliorating migraine pain.

And along that vein, I asked her if I could begin to take an anti-depressant (antidepressant? how do you write that out?) as a maintenance medication since certain ones show efficacy in diminishing migraine frequency and severity, so that’s what I’ve been doing. I have no shame about it, and I don’t feel any of the stigma. I am also weaning off of Trokendi because we have begun to speculate that with my migraine frequency and severity, it is no longer effective, so one of two things will happen: I will wean off of it and maintain the same frequency and severity, or I will find the lowest dose at which it continues to be effective.

Given that it has a side effect profile a mile and a half long, I do not mind this at all. I really do not mind.

So basically, I’ve been weaning and coasting to determine if there still is an effective dose for me for this.

I love coming up with subject lines sometimes.

The joy of social media, in a nutshell: “but have I mentioned this here? on this particular website?”

One of the things that I realized that I hadn’t done was take down some pictures that my mom had hung in my room while she was still alive, and it eventually got to the point that I wanted to remove them and make some more room on my walls for things that I would like to get around to hanging, so I began to do that. Truth be told, it wasn’t too difficult to remove most of them, although… being as short as I am, it did involve standing on a chair to remove the last few of them, but I managed. At some point, I would like to hang the certificate of membership that I got from The Satanic Temple up on my wall, and I wouldn’t have had the room on my wall if I didn’t begin taking things down. I also want to hang the certificate of ministry that I have from the Universal Life Church, because I got that in the event that any friends of mine want(ed) me to preside over weddings for them, especially if they were LBGT and encountered difficulties finding someone who was willing to preside for them in the earlier years of same-sex marriage legalization when this was more of a thing and same-sex marriage had just become legalized in all fifty states in the United States.

I would also hang my associate’s degree up on my wall, but I got that in 2012, but I’m not very attached to it.

I think my associate’s degree is best off remaining in my closet, as I don’t consider “getting an education” something worth hanging on my wall. I don’t know… maybe that’s just me. It’s what you do with what you have that matters more, I think, not just “getting it”. So many people are gatekept out of getting higher education in America due to the prohibitive price of it, especially once you factor student loans into the situation anyway. I’m lucky in that I was even able to get a student loan with Pell Grants as it was anyway.

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