Posts Tagged ‘health’

Well, now I’m feeling a little bit better, but…

I’m not sure… what it has been about these antibiotics and me aside from the fact that my symptoms, coming on as suddenly as they did, were indicative of sensitization to doxycycline and sensitization to tetracyclines as we know them to be, but I began having symptoms that weren’t quite “why would I develop an allergy to a medication I’ve randomly needed to take since childhood” that were still really concerning in light of my health history, so I finished the rest of the IV treatment for cellulitis at the local hospital, given other medications through IV line as well for nausea, stomach pain, and allergens in case this has just been a really wild ride with doxycycline. It’s actually safer now for me to do antibiotics by IV at the local hospital, much as I despise these people (and may accordingly transfer care over elsewhere, one [smaller] town over) because I can be preloaded with antihistamines and even steroids if needed so that I don’t continue to have these reactions. And I will make all the time in the world I have to if that means that I have less, or no, reactions to these medications when I need them… especially if any untoward side effects can be managed.

Still waiting for this to get markedly better.

I had bought myself some chicken noodle soup cans, which seemed to be helping (I would slowly sip that), but… one of the kids seems to have picked them up from where I had them, vanished with them, and both of them are trying to frame the other one (which would be amusing if I didn’t feel so rotten from whatever this is at this point). I was able to pick myself up more cans of chicken noodle soup and start to store them in my room so that this did not occur again, especially if it occurred because of Bub’s grabby hands. Not surprised.

Probably going to be contacting my insurance’s virtual urgent care to explain continued symptoms, see if a change in supportive medication is needed, and ask what they want me to do. It’s a mixed bag at this point. I will take anything that gives me relief from these symptoms. Please prescribe it. I will put it in my mouth…

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