Not quite wordless this time around, but since yesterday’s was… all of you should get my drift.
Each death at the hands of an impaired driver is an unnecessary death that should never have happened.
the blog of a disabled mother who likes to game, and "get in the pit"
Not quite wordless this time around, but since yesterday’s was… all of you should get my drift.
Each death at the hands of an impaired driver is an unnecessary death that should never have happened.
This is my new favorite Tekken character. I absolutely love the girl, and decimating with the girl. That is all.
I swear, I’ve had a migraine for going on five days now.
I’ve taken prescribed medication for it, but if this continues not to work I’m going to do the prudent, necessary thing and see a doctor over it. This migraine will just not go away or break no matter what I do to try and break it, and that’s really frustrating. I would like to resume doing normal everyday things, please.