Posts Tagged ‘disability’

A series of outpatient surgeries, in surgery form.

For the sake of thoughtfulness, my gynecologist has stated that he is willing to… fight my insurance to get me a tubal ligation, “just in case”. This is something I am not opposed to him doing for a number of reasons.

It seems that he has an excellent probability of making this occur if the primary reasons for fighting them are my disability, which I gave him permission to use to try and get them to approve it, as well as “my kids being disabled” (and I only have that in quotation marks because although they are, it’s not a bad thing and will never be a bad thing). As much as I intend on moving out of Texas at some point and am definitely not staying here long-term, this isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s insurance against the fact that I’m done having children, always having considered two my happy upper limit, and I do not want to get pregnant again.

He also wants to see a referral to the appropriate specialist made regarding the sagging of some of my skin due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which was only severely exacerbated by two pregnancies. This has caused an untold number of Staph infections to result entirely out of the blue, and should my youngest son injure me during a meltdown these injuries take longer to heal than he is comfortable with. He wants to see what state Medicaid is willing to cover and then go from there. I am not opposed to that either. Let’s get this done.

These procedures will probably all be done separately due to the time it will probably take for insurance to approve them (and this assumes that insurance approves all requests made to them… I know, right?).

It’s only been two days and I literally love this.

So for those of you who don’t already know, I was gifted an Apple Watch for Christmas that is better capable of measuring my heart rhythms and keeping track of my breathing rate than my… what was it? Fitbit? FitBit Versa? However you spell, or write, that. At any rate, when it’s not charging it’s on my wrist, and I love how much better the metrics are at… well, keeping track of my metrics. This is a great baseline to be able to give my care team, especially since I’m still pending referral to cardiology (something that should’ve been done years ago with my concerning symptoms that mimicked bronchial asthma and family history).

I’ll get to taking pictures of it on my wrist in the coming days or weeks. I’ve definitely screenshot the EKGs that it’s taken from me. It says that it only records risk of atrial fibrillation — all of them say this — but I’ve gotten better at reading the results of the EKGs that it’s done on me, that have been done on me by doctors, so I have a better idea of what to look for and what some of the… problems might be. I just love this thing.

I mean, almost every one of us saw this coming, so…

The medication that I was prescribed for my heart problems… has begun not to work at these doses.

I’ve gone back to feeling like I’m short of breath, and my brain constantly telling me this, even though my lungs work fine (which means that it was never severe bronchial asthma). Giving myself albuterol for this won’t work because my lungs are not the ones with the problem. As a matter of fact, it will actually make the problem worse since albuterol raises your heart rate, and my body has been trying to raise my heart rate through the roof to compensate for its failure to sufficiently oxygenate my body, which is where we’re at. It’s not low potassium, even though the asthma meds that I’m still currently on do lower my potassium a bit. It’s not GERD. I know it’s not GERD. And it damn well isn’t anxiety, because I take medication and see a therapist for that. But there is a history of people with heart problems, and heart failure, on my mom’s side of the family. When my mother was my age, she was having aneurysms in her head clipped — and I’m very lucky not to have gone that route yet — and regularly seeing a cardiologist. I know that I’m at the stage where these are definitely heart problems. Taking hot baths helps, and sometimes sitting in the bathroom on my phone with the heater running so the rest of the house doesn’t have to suffer with me helps. Heat dilates.

When it comes time to call in a refill for this prescription, because my doctor never puts refills on them, I’m going to ask him to raise the dose of this. If that means that I have to schedule a visit with him in person to discuss raising the dose of this medication (or adding other ones in, or even changing them out), I’m fine with that. I can manage that. Because as it was, I’ve never done particularly poorly on pulmonary function tests. I have, however, taken the piss on six-minute walk tests with my heart rate careening through the roof and my oxygen levels dropping as low as 92% or 93% on brutal days. I do have mild to moderate asthma and I’ve never said that I haven’t. It comes out to play when I take NSAIDs or certain other medications that aggravate respiratory tissue. The only two things I wish for are a treatment plan that improves if not stabilizes my cardiac function and the hope that I did not pass my heart on to either of my children. My love for them and zeal for life, yes. But not my actual heart. (Or maybe I did have a good heart at some point, if not a decent heart, and I gave it to both of them. I’d be fine knowing that I did that and would have no regrets.) But my heart can bring it on because I’ve never been one to give up and I’m not starting now.

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