Posts Tagged ‘computers’

I have finally maxed this thing out with RAM!

Although both of the sticks of RAM that are in here are 8GB, maxing it out in terms of that being the most that the processor can… take (and that simplifying the entire explanation down, I know), they aren’t of the same “speed”, but this is a net increase in the computer’s overall speed, so I am satisfied with that and will gladly “take that”, as the Generation Z kids say. Now all I have to do is fix the peculiar problems that have emerged whenever I put my camcorder’s memory card into the port that this computer has for it so that I can resume uploading videos to our YouTube channel, as that wasn’t even remotely a problem until… now, when it decided to become a problem out of the blue, and I suppose that will be two less headaches for me out of the abundance of headaches that I get per calendar year, which for me is no shortage of headaches. Migraines. (Or should I be saying “are no shortage of headaches”? How does one word that? I’m not sure.)

With any luck, I should be able to see my neurologist soon enough now that the referral that I needed to get to continue seeing him at his new practice should… be there. I’ll be calling about that to inquire about the status of that since I had to see my primary care doctor to get another one sent his way (“yes, same doctor, new practice… and I had to change my Medicaid HMO, so here’s that information”), and as soon as I am able to actually make an appointment to see him, will do that. I’ll let him know which medications I’m on work, which of them seem to need their doses adjusted, and which of them no longer seem to be working. For me, it honestly does not seem like triptans work. The goal is “to be in as little of pain as possible, if none at all,” and although I am well aware that the diagnosis of chronic, intractable migraine disorder probably means that the “if none at all” bit… isn’t actually going to happen short of a medical miracle, I know that I shouldn’t settle for pain, and that I should continue to advocate for myself when certain medications that I am on or take as needed do not appear to be working as intended. And with triptans, you can really tell if they’re not working. That’s along the lines of “I had to give myself the second dose two hours after the first right down to the minute, gave myself the third dose the next day, predictably maxed myself out for the week, and this has become a pattern with several triptans at varying doses”. Some migraineurs need medication that lasts longer and provides more thorough coverage. It me. I’m one of those migraineurs. It comes with the territory.

At some point soon, I may make a list of which medications I’m currently on… work, and which ones do not.

Well, these are new and interesting developments.

For some reason, Discord and f.lux aren’t starting when this computer boots up.

I’ve come to notice that, and I would like them to. I’m not sure if this is because they’ve updated and… something was changed along the way that would have caused them not to start up when the computer does, because this computer is not that old, but I’ll look into it and see if I can fix that problem. I looked into CCleaner to see if that would tell me anything, and surprisingly, all it told me was that they are no longer starting up when this computer starts up. Pot, meet kettle. Obvious cat, meet obvious cat. Thanks for that.

And for some reason, when I go to put my memory card into the slot that this computer has for those, I can’t pull the video that I’ve taken off of it with my camcorder (which I’ve normally had no problem doing) to put on the YouTube account that I’ve been… well, trying to get going. It absolutely mucks up the video portion of the video. And I am, again, not sure at all what would actually be causing this. Like I just said, I’ve been having absolutely no problem pulling the video files off of the memory card up until this point. Now I am…

I’m not even sure what gives right now, but I mean, at least this computer is stable in the fact that it works.

Is it not sad, given my history with this… tetchy computer, that I am happy for that? That I settle for that?

Still on the hunt for some compatible RAM.

I know, I know. I’ll eventually stop updating about this computer, I swear…

When it stops doing annoying or interesting things. I will, whenever that time actually happens.

So far, I (or shall I say, we) are on the hunt for DDR3 RAM that’s being sold locally at a price that isn’t attempting to fleece someone. Surprisingly, no vendor around here has an 8GB stick of that RAM type available for sale. So the question is… do I want to wait until one does become available, hoping that one does, and then trade my DDR4 RAM for that piece of RAM since it’s technically useless to me, not being compatible with this computer, or do I want to see if I can find one off of a site like Amazon or even eBay, doing the transaction as a guest since I refuse to make an account with eBay again? I’m… not quite sure.

Living near a military base, the pawn shops here are known to be full of a lot of useful things, and here they seem to be failing me on something that I would normally expect them to have given that they have absolutely no shortage of computers and laptops that you can generally turn functional, at least from the vantage point of “a pawn shop will not accept something that does not function” and “if you know what parts to put into it, you can max it out and make it nominally functional”. But for once, they are failing me.

I do want to max this out as soon as possible since it can take 16GB (DDR3) RAM though, I really do.

At least when I can stop mucking about with this for an extended period, my head might stop hurting…

I mean, one can hope. That was a nice thought, or delusion, to entertain for all of what, five seconds? Ten?

So far, I haven’t maxed this thing out yet.

The person that was going to lift the DDR4 16GB piece of RAM off of me (and in the process, owe me some computer parts in the event that I needed them) was actually going to buy me a DDR3 8GB stick to put into my computer to max it out, but for some reason… no one around here is selling one. I’m honestly beginning to speculate if everyone has switched to DDR4 RAM and DDR3 is becoming obsolete or being left in the dust, even if plenty of good computers like this one are using it. Because, I mean, this computer isn’t that old. It still has really good specs aside from the old RAM bit and actually outperforms the old laptop whose keyboard wound up starting to go out in a lot of ways if you take the time to compare it to that laptop point by point…

Hopefully one comes in at a shop or store around here soon that can be picked up and put in, because I’d like to max this thing out whenever I can, but I mean… if someone has to buy it online, what with DDR4 RAM being the RAM that everyone wants because that’s what newer computers take, it might be and does seem to be going for a lot less than what it used to go for. Guess it just depends on who decides to grab it first, although like I said, I do know someone in person who I trade random computer parts to that I don’t need to and get random computer and electronic parts back from if I happen to need anything that they may have.

I just want something that functions well enough to do what we need it to do, and being able to play a few enjoyable games on it with my youngest child is always fun, so being able to run Origin and Steam is nice!

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