Posts Tagged ‘chatting’

It isn’t a weekend without a re-AOL update, folks.

Developers and programmers (I do the front desk sort of stuff in the Discord chat, and in re-AOL chatrooms when I see that there’s a need for it, like helping people download and install the client, answering questions, getting answers to questions, facilitating conversation, the whole nine) have been working on some back-end fixes to problems like “hanging SNs” — where, after disconnecting, it would still say that you “were logged in”, which a mod could fix by booting your screen name off so that you could actually log in yourself — and the occasional doubling up of screen names in the People In Room list. We still have… screen names that do that, but the things I’ve mentioned are already happening less than they were, which is awesome! And there’s the occasional “missing line”, where when someone tries to send something to a re-AOL chat it just doesn’t send, but that’s happening less than it was. (Later, we’re going to get Slingo and Splatterball!)

This is the fun of alpha testing, though. And programming during the alpha stage, too. We squash bugs.

Should any of this have surprised me, though?

The posts that I make about re-AOL and my experiences with predatory behavior on apps and sites like Discord (and within the gaming community as more of a whole, but also something that I expected getting into it int he first place) continue to have significant traction as per details on my internal tracker. I tend to hold back comments on those posts so that the people who participate in that predatory behavior don’t have opsec (OpSec? Opsec?) on “fresh blood” or “new blood” as they might like to call it… I’m not going to give them other people’s contact details and, in doing so, hand other people over for them to inflict that sort of behavior on. If people want to own up to their predatory behavior they first need to stop… doing predatory things, cutting it off at the source. But I don’t have faith in a lot of these people actually being capable of doing that if any of you know what I mean, so I don’t expect them to actually do so, and I don’t expect an apology or significant behavior changes out of any of the individuals whose behaviors I have touched on.

As stated in more than one post at this point, there are reasons that I am extremely reluctant to meet people off of the Internet in person. Under the right circumstances I might be willing, such as conventions and… safer places to do these meet-ups in, but I’m not just going to pick and choose random people to meet up from the Internet with (I have a whole story prepared on that, and I’m eventually going to get around to it).

I think it’s time for another re-AOL post, folks!

Sometimes the randomly generated Guest screen names are amusing. I try hard to screenshot them.


As always, a lot of work gets done behind the scenes by devs (developers) to improve re-AOL’s stability and security, which directly translates to more people being able to enjoy using it, the chat rooms functioning better, Instant Messenges functioning better, the whole nine. One of the developers has been working hard on bringing us Slingo, though! In before a lot of the people reading this post go nuts, though: that’s the slots and bingo — portmanteau — that a lot of us who used this version, and subsequent versions, of America Online grew up playing because the only place that you could play it for the longest time… wait for it… was America Online. And man oh man, growing up did I love me some Slingo. I am going to love playing it again on re-AOL when Tommy brings it back for us. I savor the nostalgic experience of being able to play one of my favorite online games on something that I grew up with. You literally can not beat that, folks. Any of that.

Before I forget to post about this, another post!

We’ve opened up registration to more people! But before I get any further into that…

I am now the official help desk (“onboarding manager”) for re-AOL! This makes me a member of the staff, although I do stress as needed that I am not a developer or moderator. I’m responsible for introducing people to the Discord server when they make themselves known as a new presence, pointing them in the direction of installing the re-AOL client and helping them out with it if my assistance is necessary, helping them through the rest of the steps on the server (reserving screen names as re-AOL allows more and more people to register), and generally being the Help Desk™. I love this server, and I love these people. I grew up with a lot of these people. I love being able to hang with the homies and being able to do something this productive!

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