Before I forget to post about this, another post!

We’ve opened up registration to more people! But before I get any further into that…

I am now the official help desk (“onboarding manager”) for re-AOL! This makes me a member of the staff, although I do stress as needed that I am not a developer or moderator. I’m responsible for introducing people to the Discord server when they make themselves known as a new presence, pointing them in the direction of installing the re-AOL client and helping them out with it if my assistance is necessary, helping them through the rest of the steps on the server (reserving screen names as re-AOL allows more and more people to register), and generally being the Help Desk™. I love this server, and I love these people. I grew up with a lot of these people. I love being able to hang with the homies and being able to do something this productive!

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