May 2022 archive

I saw this and it hit home for me, so… here.

My mom didn’t even interact with me this much though. She just told me that I was “too stupid (to learn anything)”, ended the conversation there, and… never actually taught me anything useful. If I didn’t learn it in school, I had to teach myself. She didn’t even teach me how to cook for myself or how to fold clothes when she should have. If she didn’t make it clear that I was her meal ticket and trap baby by those actions alone, I don’t think anything else could have made it clearer — and I was not about to waste my time explaining it…

How many tags is this post going to get?

So I am an alpha tester for (and user of) re-AOL, which are — is? are? what do I say here? — programmers’ attempt at bringing back America Online 3.0 as a private server for functional use. And by attempt, I mean successful attempt. Migraines are fun. I am absolutely loving the nostalgia that comes with this project, and I’m loving being able to chill with people that I haven’t seen or talked with in more than a decade. These are the people that I hung out with online for the better part of my childhood and adolescence. I look forward to the project continuing, people being able to register screen names (that will happen as the project stabilizes beyond where it is at now, even though where it is at now is absolutely commendable). And I bet that every single one of you who might be reading this knows which Guest I was in the chat at the time that I took the screenshot — hint, there was a Robo reference made, and I am a huge Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross fan.

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